
Summary: Be diligent and have full assurance of Salvation!

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Blessed Assurance

Hebrews 6:1–12


How many of us have watched Trading Spaces on TLC or seen Bob Villa and became inspired to finally do something about our own tired and outdated homes? It’s easy to get inspired to do something. Once inspired by seeing a weeks work condensed into a one hour TV show we can easily envision the lasting improvements we can make in our own homes. Yet here we sit; one month, six months, one year after starting and our weekend transformation sits half finished as we struggle to find the time to finish what we started.

This can happen in our spiritual lives too. We begin our walk with Christ full of excitement. Fully intending to do whatever it takes to make it all the way. But after a while, Christianity becomes too daily. It’s the same thing over and over again. The same prayers, the same worship, the same Bible stories; we want to follow Jesus but we begin to drift. We get distracted. The excitement cools, our dedication weakens, we begin to neglect prayer and study and church. Before we know it, our faith is weak, perhaps even dead. What then . . . ?

This is what the Hebrew writer is expressing in our text as he warns us and also encourages us to be diligent to the end. The result of this diligence allows one to have that full assurance of salvation that God has promised. To KNOW, without a doubt that you are saved, that when you die your home will be in Heaven.

The English Standard Version translates Hebrews 6:11 “and we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have FULL ASSURANCE of hope until the end.”


I. Strong Warnings! Hebrews 6:1–8

A. Grow up! Going on to Maturity. Hebrews 6:1–3

B. Warning against spiritual laziness. Hebrews 6:4–8

1. “It is impossible to bring them back”

2. Is there a sin or a certain amount of sin that God’s grace can’t cover?

C. NO! You can’t out sin the grace of God. Romans 5:20

D. Illustration: A child falls down a well. She calls for help. Rescuers come and crowd around the well. They toss her a rope but out of fear she will not grab the rope. A rescuer risks his life by being lowered into the well with her. He hands the girl the rope, brings her in close and holds her tight. Slowly, they are both pulled up from the darkness of the well but the little girl starts kicking and screaming. Halfway up the girl wrestles free and plummets back into the darkness below.

God came all the way down into the well to rescue us. He became one of us. Jesus handed us a rope and hauled us out of sin. But if we refuse his help, if we wrestle away and plummet again into the depths of sin, if we won’t grasp the hand he gives us, then as much as it breaks his heart, he cannot save. He cannot, will not, turn those who will not be turned. It’s impossible!

E. Crucifying Christ all over again. Hebrews 6:6

1. Subjecting him to public disgrace.

2. Land that receives rain from God but only produces thorns & weeds. Hebrews 6:7–8

Is this our path? When we get weak, will we fall away? Is our relationship with God that fragile?

II. Better Things! Hebrews 6:9–10

A. Confidence in Salvation. Hebrews 6:9

1. Even though the Hebrews were slipping, the Hebrew writer had confidence in them.

2. His confidence came from their desire to serve God.

B. God is a loving father waiting to receive back his children with open arms. Hebrews 6:10

C. God measures our service to him by our continued service to others.

1. Spiritual growth is measured not just in how much scripture we know, but how much we put into practice.

2. We know God’s will by doing God’s will.

III. Enduring till the End. Hebrews 6:11–12

A. In everyone’s life there are two paths to follow:

1. The Way of Neglect; characterized by:

a. Spiritual immaturity.

b. Falling away from God.

c. Crucifying Christ afresh.

2. The Way of Growth; characterized by:

a. Solid Spiritual food.

b. Service to others.

c. Being remembered by God.

B. All who are Christians have started down the path of obedience. What does it take to continue?

1. Faith. Galatians 5:5–6

2. Patience. Colossians 1:9–12

3. Diligence. 2 Timothy 4:7–8


The Parable of the Prodigal Son. Luke 15:1–32

1. The Prodigal Son enjoyed all the blessings of his fathers wealth while at home.

2. He left it all, turning his back on his family and his father.

3. Did the father not want him to come back home? What else could he have done for the boy? He knew the love that waited for him back home. He knew all that the father had done for him in his lifetime.

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