
Summary: What is this sin that is so awful that God will never forgive?

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Here God lays down a boundary line. What is this sin that is so awful that God will never forgive?

1. Is it a moral sin?

a. No, I have seen the hardest of sinners saved.

b. I don’t care what sins of immorality you’ve committed.

c. I have a message of hope for you. You can come to Jesus, and He will forgive you.

2. Is it a mental sin?

a. No, I’ve known of agnostics, infidels, scoffers of the word of God who have been saved.

b. Paul was such a man.

Then what is this sin That is so awful? I believe it is a spiritual sin. A sin that if a man commits it, the light of God goes out on the road to hell. I want to tell you something, your mom can give you up, your dad can give you up, your pastor, the world and there's still hope for you. But if God gives you up there is no hope in this world or the one to come. Romans 1:24-28. God gave them up. If he gives you up there's no hope in this world neither in the world to come.

I. What is this sin all about?

1. God had just performed a miracle, versus 22-23. God was right there among them, yet some were not aware of the fact that God was there.

2. It's awful that churches will meet all across the country and the word of God will be preached and some will never be touched.

a. They will never be blessed.

b. They will never be aware that God was among them.

3. God was there. That's why you better be careful how you act or react in a service if God is there.

4. Notice their reaction, verse 24, notice some things about this sin.

II. This Sin is Committed When We Refuse Revelation

1. These men had refused revelation, knowledge, and they sinned against light. Do you know what the greatest sin in America is? Why men go to Hell?

2. It’s not because they are drunkards or murderers. It is because God has given them light and knowledge about their sin and His salvation and they refuse it. John 5:36-40.

3. These men refused revelation and knowledge. A terrible sin and I believe it is mostly committed in the house of God.

4. This is the most dangerous place in the whole world that you could be in today, Sitting under the word of God.

5. It is dangerous because if God gives you light, you're responsible to respond to that light.

6. You can't find anywhere in this book where God went back and repeated the same truth to a person the second time.

7. God is never obligated to give you more light until you have responded to the light he has already given you. That's the reason for dead churches.

III. They Confused Reason and Sinned Against Logic

1. Their opinion, verses 24-26, Jesus said, “You're not even logical. Your confusing logic, you're being ridiculous.”

2. We have people like that today. They confuse even the very reason of God and God is not unreasonable. Look at Calvary!

a. It's reasonable that men repent of their sin.

b. Some are constantly confusing reason.

3. Some people would say, “I would go to Fundamental Baptist Church, but there are so many hypocrites there.”

a. Hypocrites don't stop us from doing other things. Like driving on the same streets or going to the same bank. What about the ball game? Why should it be any different at church?

b. I would rather go to church with them, then let them cause me to lose my reward in heaven or even go to hell with them.

c. Jesus called 12 men and one of them was a hypocrite, a pretender.

4. Some say, “I don't go to church because my parents made me go when I was a child.”

a. How sad is that statement. Some people don't have enough brains to keep their ears apart.

b. Your mom made you take a bath when you were a boy. Did you stop?

5. It's even been said, “I had a bad experience at church so I'm not going back.”

a. How many of you have ever had a bad experience at a restaurant?

b. How about a store?

c. Fill in the blank. we've all had bad experiences, but we still go back.

6. I believe in the local New Testament church. I believe if God ever does anything in our land it will be through the church. Ephesians 3:21

7. These men were not even logical to say what they said about the Lord Jesus. The miracle that he had performed right before their eyes.

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