
Summary: This is a six-part outline for a sermon series on Biblical faith.

Biblical Faith - Outline

I. Definition of Faith

A. Faith = Believing God. Romans 4:3-9

i. Verse 3. Abraham believed and was accounted as righteous

ii. Verse 9. Abraham’s faith was accounted for righteousness

iii. What is faith?

B. Faith = Assurance

i. Hebrews 11:1

1. Some translations use the word substance

a. Greek word is ’Hupostasis’ which means a firm assurance.

b. The same root word is also used in 2 Cor. 9:4; 2 Cor. 11:17; Hebrews 1:3 and Hebrews 3:14.

c. The word ’Huparchonta’ means physical substance as seen in Luke 8:3.

C. Faith = Obedience

i. Faith without godly works is dead, James 2:17-20, 2:26

ii. Strong faith without ’Agape’ love is worthless 1 Corinthians 13:2

iii. Faith works through Love, Galatians 5:5-6

II. Faith is a Spiritual gift

A. Each man is given the power to believe, Romans 12:3

i. Each man is given enough faith to believe in redemption in Christ

B. Gift of the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:9

i. God gives faith and then we must choose to respond by faith or flesh

1. Faith is of the Spirit; doubt is of the flesh

2. ’Be it according to your faith’ is a decision to obey the Spirit or obey the human nature and flesh

3. God calls and draws while my flesh also draws (Galatians 5:16-25)

ii. When I obey, I have nothing to boast of

1. God gives faith and then I obey by making my decision to believe and act. An act of faith is choosing to submit my life to God and give back to God what He has given me.

2. Everything then is of God unless I choose the flesh.

3. I have to first resist the Spirit before I respond in the flesh.

iii. The Spirit is life but the flesh is dead (Galatians 6:8)

1. Faith without works is dead

2. Faith is listening and responding to the Spirit through obedience

3. Even though we are measured faith, it becomes dead when we follow the flesh.

4. Every decision is of the Spirit or Flesh

a. Obedience or resistance

b. Trusting the Spirit or Trusting the Flesh

c. Faith is believing the promises of God

d. Unbelief is believing the urges of the flesh

e. Faith is believing without site

f. Unbelief is believing only what can be seen

5. Faith requires believing what has not been revealed

a. Trusting that God will make a way of deliverance (Psalm 91)

b. Trusting that God will walk with us through the valley (Psalm 23)

c. Believing that God will work our good either way

C. Comes by hearing the Word of God, Romans 10:17

D. Faith is believing the word, Galatians 3:9, 1 Thes. 2:13; John 12:46-47

E. Faith itself is not power, but trusting in God’s power (Romans 4:20-25)

III. Faith inherits the promises and gifts of God

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