Biblical Faith Series
Contributed by Daniel Bauder on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: What is Biblical Faith
Part Four
“Biblical Faith”
Genesis 6:6-13
Adapted from a message by Bruce Shields
October 15, 2006
Broadway Baptist Church
Pastor, Dan Bauder
This morning we are continuing our series on faith. So far we have seen that unforgivness, not reading God’s Word, and not being thankful hinder our walking by faith. Today I’d like for us to see from the life of Noah what we need to do to have biblical faith. (Read Genesis 6:6-13)
Before we go any further I want to define what I mean by the word “believe”. I’m not talking about just acknowledging the fact of His existence. Even the devil and his demons do that. The question we need to ask ourselves is do we really trust Him enough to take Him at His word? Using the definition I just gave most of us believe what John 3:16 says. But how many of us believe what Matthew 21:21 says? If we do then why do we always use excuses whenever confronted with opportunities that are beyond our own capabilities? (We’re too small. We don’t have the money ect….) Do our actions line up with what we say we believe? Noah’s did!!!
A. His actions lined up with his relationship (Read Gen 6:9)
1. He knew God on an intimate level. He recognized God’s voice (When we talked to our spouse on the phone they don’t have to tell us who they are because of our relationship)
a. He knew God would do what He said He would do
A. Even though it had never rained Noah still did what God told him to do. (Relate what Noah might have thought when God spoke to him.)
1. We need to have the same kind of faith Noah did. When God told him to build the ark he didn’t say, “God, how am I going to pay for this?” (Today we say, “We can’t afford it.”)
2. He didn’t say, “I don’t have the expertise to do this.” (Today we say, “We won’t have enough volunteers”
B. To refuse to step out in faith is to rebel against God (Read Hebrews 11:6)
1. We sin when we refuse to step out in faith
2. We sin when make excuses or flat out refuse to share your faith
I don’t know about you but my hearts desire is to see Broadway Baptist Church become ALL that God wants it to be. That will NEVER happen as long as we continue to take a “business as usual attitude.” By that I mean feeling we have done our religious duty by coming to Sunday school and Worship on Sunday morning and possibly Bible Study on Wednesday night. To be all that God wants us to be we need to:
1. Make sure we have a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior. If He isn’t our Lord then He can’t be our Savior.
2. Share our faith in Christ whenever, wherever, and however God gives us opportunities.
3. Step out in faith to believe the impossible.