
Summary: A brief introduction to various ways that we are encouraged to pray in the Bible.

Biblical Encouragements to Prayer

The Bible contains a number of encouragements to the believer’s prayer life.

1. Prayer Commands.

Eph. 6:18

1 Thes. 5:17

1 Tim. 2:1,8

2. Prayer Promises.

John 14:13

John 15:7

John 16:23-24

1 John 5:13

How do these promises encourage you in your prayer life?

3. Prayer Models. People of prayer.









4. The Prayer Life of Jesus. Jesus is our ultimate prayer model.

Luke 11:1- What motivated Jesus’ disciples to ask Him to teach them to pray?

John 17

Matthew 26:36ff. – The Gethsemane Prayer. The most important prayer ever prayed.

Jesus knows prayer. He knows prayer from the divine side. He knows prayer from the human side. He knows how prayer operates on both ends, the asking end as well as the hearing and answering end. He is the foremost authority on the subject of prayer. Real prayer begins as come to him and say, “Lord teach us to pray.”

5. The Prayer Help of the HS. Romans 8:26-27

Paul says that we are ignorant and impotent when it comes to prayer. Note: He included himself. God’s solution to our two-fold weakness in prayer is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in our lives for many reason ( i.e. The produce Christ- like Character, to comfort us etc.) One of the reason is to equip us to be people of prayer.

He intercedes within us while Jesus intercedes for us ( Romans 8:34).

6. The Value of Prayer from the perspective of Heaven.

Notice that all of the instruments related to prayer are golden.

Our prayers are stored in golden bowls. Rev. 5:8

Golden sensors. Rev. 8:3

Golden Altar. Romans 8:3

These descriptions are given to encourage us to pray and to let us know that God places a very high value on the prayers of the saints. May we value prayer as much as God does.

How much do you value prayer?

How are you encouraged to pray?

Which of these Bbilical Encouragements to pray do you find most helpful to your prayer life?

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