
Summary: This morning, on Mother’s day we are here to celebrate God and His creative design in created gender-- and especially “girls” right? Mom’s are girls and girls are good-- very good according to God.

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When God created you as a woman, He created something “very good.” (Men can I get a witness?) In Genesis 1:27 we read: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” In other words, he created the two genders to reflect His glory through gender.

This morning, on Mother’s day we are here to celebrate God and His creative design in created gender-- and especially “girls” right? Mom’s are girls and girls are good-- very good according to God.

God’s Word celebrates gender from the first pages of scripture. He actually created us differently to mark the gender uniqueness. He created man from dirt. He created women from a dudes rib.

Why? I believe it’s because God wanted to accentuate our uniqueness. He wanted to celebrate how important these two genders are and how He created us to compliment and care for one another.

There are some things that men and women do differently. This is because God created the sexes to depend on each other. We are created to be “interdependent.” This is true in the very sense how we are created.

Today is Mother’s day. Guys, I have news for you. You will never be a Mom. You were not designed for such. Why? Because God gave women something he did not give you. Likewise, God gave men some things that He did not give women. (But that’s for the Father’s day message for June 16.)

God celebrates our differences and uniqueness. Likewise, we are called to acknowledge the differences, and appreciate the uniqueness. Guys, God created us to appreciate and depend on the ladies in our life because God made us to be interdependent of one another.


Today is simple. From God’s Word I am going to spotlight the uniqueness of women; and specifically the uniqueness of godly women. Ladies, I am going to elevate your God-given design as defined by God and His Word.

This morning, where do we shift the spotlight to first? What special gift do we find in godly women? What does God say that He has given to the godly women that “we all” depend on? But most of all, what makes Godly women beautiful to God?

Transitional Sentence: What makes Godly women beautiful to God?

I. Your Pure Heart Is Beautiful to God

Vs. 3- “Your adornment must not be merely external- braiding of the hair, wearing of gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart...”


One of the things I love about I Peter chapter 3 it is a special place in scripture where God delights in women. He lifts up and helps us look into seeing how God sees the value of ladies and especially the value of Godly women.

As God shifts the spotlight upon women, he says something about their physical beauty. Let’s face it ladies, you know that you are the more beautiful of the two sexes.

I was at the gym a couple of weeks ago, getting ready for a spinning class and I was chatting to another guy who was on a bike two bikes over. In the middle was another bike and one of the ladies that takes the class with us came in, and sat down on the bike between us and said: “Wow, look, I am the rose between two thorns!”

Let’s face it ladies, you know you are the most attractive of the two sexes and God even makes that statement in scripture. Notice what He says in verse 3. He says: “Don’t let your adornment merely external...” Some versions read: “Don’t let your beauty be merely outward...”

Listen: Whether you think you are beautiful or not; God thinks you are so quit believing a lie if you think you’re not. He tells you that you’re beautiful right in verse 3!

Do you know what God is saying in verse 3? He is saying that when it comes to the two genders; you have a leg up. You can get all prettied up if you want. You can put on dresses. You can put on jewelry. You can enhance what is already there. God created you and you are attractive to Him!

God created you and believes you are beautiful on the outside.

Yet, I love the word “merely.” It literally means: “Don’t just be beautiful on the outside; be beautiful on the inside.”

God commands you here to have a beautiful heart. In other words, be the full package. Be beautiful inside and out.

He said to be even more focused on the inside and “hidden” part of your life. Pay attention to your heart because that is what God sees more than anything.

God is more interested in your heart than your hair. Notice in the Bible, when God was looking for a godly king for Israel He told Samuel: “Do not consider his appearance or height..... The Lord does not look at things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7

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