Beyond The Hunger Games
Contributed by Jeff Morrison on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There is a distinct difference between one who will give his/her life for their own loved one or even a stranger – and One who gives His life for someone He knows to be a thief, a child molester, a murderer…someone evil. Would Katness give her life for t
Beyond the Hunger Games
John 15:13, Romans 5:6-11
In the movie, “The Hunger Games”, 16 year old Katness is faced with a dramatic choice when her 12 year old sister is chosen by lottery to fight for their district. She knows her sister is small and frail, and that she would not last in the life or death battle.
Her choice is to volunteer to be “tribute” in her sister’s place, knowing it could cost her own life. Was her choice out of love, fear, desperation…or all?
In the Bible, John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Previously, at the end of John 13, he said “by this all will know that you are My disciples; if you have love for one another.” Then in 15:13, He says there is no greater love than to give your life for a friend.
This is not an everyday occurrence, YET…there are people who give their lives for others everyday.
Firefighters and police officers do not EXPECT to lose their life each day they go to work; but they ACCEPT the possibility when hired.
Those serving in the military do not EXPECT to lose their life, but they ACCEPT the possibility when enlisted.
It is heroic to accept that kind of expectation in your job description.
I am willing to give my life for my wife and my four daughters. I would sacrifice myself for their well-being without batting an eye. While that would be considered “heroic” by some, it would be somewhat normal to give my life to save the life of someone I know and love.
But firefighters and soldiers are not called upon to risk their lives for their own families, for those they love – when that time comes, it is usually for complete strangers, perhaps even an enemy.
What these men and women do daily is without judgment, meaning – when you go into a burning building, you don’t do a background check to see if that person is on the most wanted list and “deserves” to be saved! You do it because they are in danger, and it’s your job to save them.
But there is a distinct difference between one who will give his life for his own child or even a stranger – and One who gives His life for someone He knows to be a thief, a child molester, a murderer…someone evil. ** Would Katness give her life for her fellow murderous tributes of District 2?
The difference between these heroes is this –
Heroes today lose their life in the line of duty, or as a result of a selfless act on behalf of others; they do it without judgment.
Jesus Christ gave His life knowingly and willingly with complete judgment. Romans 5:7 says, “Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man (judgment), though for a good man (judgment) someone might possibly dare to die.”
Vs. 6 has told us that Christ died FOR the ungodly, FOR the unrighteous, FOR the worst of sinners.
Though Jesus KNEW the sinful condition, the evil that grows out of the human heart, the cold and calculated murderous thoughts and acts of mankind – He CHOSE to “become tribute” for us; to die in our place.
That makes NO earthly sense! The only explanation for such an unthinkable act is – “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…”
You see, Jesus knows EVERYTHING about you, but still loves you! He loves you enough to say, “I will take your place; I will die for you.”
With this knowledge, you are faced with a choice. You can no longer say you don’t understand what Jesus did for you; You can no longer say I will wait until later. NO… today is the day you must choose: LIFE or DEATH, HEAVEN or HELL.
The Bible says Jesus paid the price for you to go to heaven; all you have to do is surrender your life to Him. Here is how you do that --
Admit you are a sinner.
Believe that Jesus died and rose again for you.
Confess Him as your owner and Lord.
Wouldn’t you like to know where you will spend eternity? You can settle it today!