Beyond Belief
Contributed by Philip Myers on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: I can fully believ, but unless I act on my belief, I am of no benefit to my community. This is number 4 of 9 in a series.
Daniel 11:32
“ … shall be strong and do exploits (KJV)”
“ … will display strength and take action (NASB)”
The actions are the tip of the iceberg. We must have solid Biblical beliefs which in turn develop godly values that drive their righteous behavior.
I must become convinced of why I believe …
Then I’ll become committed to what I believe …
Then I’ll become changed by who I believe.
Heb 11:6 I believe God is and … God is the rewarder of those who seek after Him.
I believe that – God is righteous and
Jehovah Tsidkenu … through Christ I am made righteous
Jehovah M’Keddesh … God sanctifies me ( proclaims me clean ex. Town …)
The benefit is – I’m free – from:
a. Sins of my past.
b. Sin nature of the world.
c. No longer a slave to sin.
Now God is my father.
Today – Beyond belief – to the point of conviction … I must know the name Jehovah Shalom = Jehovah is peace.
I. Jehovah Shalom = Jehovah is Peace
Judges 6:24 – then Gideon – built an altar there to the Lord and name it the Lord is peace. Peace is a state of quite on tren-quilty, calm, freedom from war or hostility, absence of strife.
The acting: 6:1-10 the children of Israel had disobeyed God – the consequences was hardship.
Vs. 11 – Gideon was scorned, intimidated by the Midianites – he was working wheat in a wine press.
Threshing floor for wheat – were high, plot summits 50 – 100 ft in diameter and open to the winds on every side.
Wine press – a large stone vat in the ground with a small channel that allowed the grape juice to pour out the side into a tub.
- Gideon is hiding
- Gideon is afraid
- Gideon has no peace.
Gideon’s reason for no peace was 7 years of the Midiaenites plundering. It was wave after wave of total destruction. Year after year they would build fortresses only to have them destroyed. They would plant crops only to have their harvest stolen.
The very lives of the Israelites were conditioned by the annual invasion as a result Israel was living in dens and caves like animals without any hope and any peace.
When the invasion was over, they lived the rest of the year in poverty materially, emotionally, and psychologically. In spite of all this, the Israelites were still:
a. Ungrateful for deliverance
b. Idolatry for other gods.
c. Unrepentive for bullheaded.
John Chapman said,
“Whatever our position or role within the church, we all need the reminder that we have only to tie a loose knot of faith around post and the tide will do the rest. The prevailing current will do all that in needed sweep us out to sea unless we are making constant and vigorous efforts to be anchored by faith and obedience to Christ himself.”
No belief is secure that is not whole hearted and no virtue is safe that is not enthusiastic.
Beyond belief to convictions, commitments, change.
Gideon becomes a changed men because of God.
Vs. 11-35
a. V 11 – afraid – recipient of God’s presence
b. V 22 – afraid – recipient of God’s word
c. V 34 – not afraid – recipient indwelling of God’s spirit
Col 1:20-22
I Cor 3:16
II. Jehovah Shammah = God is there
Ez 48:35 – this is the promise of God’s presence.
Ezekiel learned the Jerusalem in his day had become a place of idol worship which deserved the judgment of God. But the vision now reveals the prophet – restoration of not just the people spiritually, but of a restored Lord with its center in the Temple of God. The vision assured the prophet that one day god will gain dwell with humanity and be worship in Spirit and in truth. Jehovah is there.
God’s presence is in you…
God’s presence is with you …
Jehovah Shalom – God is peace
Jehovah Shammah – God is present who shall I fear - let the Midianites come – I’ve got God.
Let the Midiniate plunder, I’ve got God.
God says – I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Ps 91:1-16
– God delievers from the snare of the trapper.
– God delivers from deadly pestilence.
– God covers.
– God gives refuge.
– God shields.
– I need not be afraid of terror, arrows, pestilence, and destruction.
– No evil befalls you and plague comes near your tent.
– God gives angels to guard you and bear you up.
– You will tread upon lion, cobra, young lion, and serpent.
– V 14 Because He has loved Me … I will deliver. He has known my name … set him on high.