Betrayed… Forsaken… Falsely Accused… Crucified.
Contributed by John Newbaker on Dec 6, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend? Or forsaken by those closest to you? Or falsely accused by those who don’t even know you? Have you ever been crucified by your enemies?
Matthew 26:1-4
Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend?
Have you ever been forsaken by those closest to you?
Have you ever been falsely accused by those who don’t even know you?
Have you ever been crucified by your enemies?
If you have you know how Jesus felt on the day he was and because he was betrayed, forsaken, falsely accused, crucified he knows how you feel.
Mt. 26 tells us about this…..vs.1-4
The setting of betrayal and crux is the feast of the Passover.
Now notice the scene how it unfolds. Keep up because it unfolds quickly.
First see the friend who betrayed him. Mt 26:14-16; 46-50
Who is the friend who betrayed him? Judas. Who was Judas? V50……. Jesus calls Judas friend.
Judas was not only a friend; he was also one of the 12 apostles. He was one of the inner circle associates of the Lord. He was one Jesus took in…. shared his deepest thoughts with, spent all of his time with. Judas was a trusted friend………he was the treasurer for the group………you don’t trust just anyone with the money. He was a trusted, loyal friend of the Lord. Now he’s turned his back on the Lord.
Notice how he betrayed Jesus…. 30 pieces of sliver and a kiss. 30 pieces of sliver is the price of a slave and a kiss. A kiss is a sign of love and affection, but in this case it was a sign of betrayal and rejection. This is what makes betrayal so hurtful.
A friend is someone who would never sell you out. A friend is someone who values you more than money or materialism, comfort or cost. They will die for you ….not see you die. True friends don’t do this. This is not a friend. Prov. 17/17 says a friend loves at all times. A friend is someone you love as a sister/ brother. Prv. 18.24 there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Betrayal….. Rejection. You’ve been there…. U know the pain --the hurt. You’ve been sold out. You’ve experienced a Judas’ kiss.
But it gets worse. Not only is he betrayed by a close friend…….
2. He is Forsaken……by those closest to him…. Mt26:31-35, 56
Peter and all the disciples swore they would never desert the Lord, but they did. These are men that he has poured the last 3 years of his life into.
They were the only ones who believed and trusted in him. Their trust has been broken. They swore to be faithful. They lied. Untrustworthy.
He considered them his own family. Mt. 12:46 Jesus was in a house teaching, someone told him his mother and brother were asking to speak with him Matthew 12:48 “But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? - And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”
You’ve had those who swore they would never leave you, but did. They promised to be by your side, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part only break your heart. Only to be unfaithful and dishonest.
Only to come home one day and tell you they don’t love you anymore. They’ve found someone else. They will be packing their things and leaving.
Now you know how Jesus felt. He knows how you feel. You’ve been partakers in his sufferings.
Not only was he betrayed and forsaken, he was also………..
3. He was falsely accused by those who didn’t even know him. Mt26:59-67
The chief priests, and elders, and the council, were the religious / political elite of the day. They sat in judgment over Jesus. They were the know-it-alls and yet they knew nothing at all.
They were blind, prejudice, prideful, condescending, judgmental, and condemning.
Their judgment of Jesus was based on lies, half-truths; hear say, gossip, misunderstanding, misinterpretation, blindness, ignorance, prejudice.
Jesus had taught the people openly, publically. Everyone could hear and know his teachings. They chose to be blind and ignorant of who he was.
You know what it is like to be judged and falsely accused by those who don’t even know you …your situation, circumstance. All they know is the lies, the gossip, the half-truths and it hurts.
What do you do when you are falsely accused? Let’s see how Jesus handled it.
1. Hold your peace. When Jesus was falsely accused V63 said “But Jesus held his peace”. He remained calm. Don’t let them rattle you. Keep your peace.