Best Is Reserved For You Series
Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: when you get ready to carry the cross everyday and follow Him, then God would give you the best He promised.
Best is reserved for you!
Isaiah 1:19”If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the best of the land..”
When we had to get some stuff typed and printed in telugu for the church and normally we get it done in an area little further away from our home, but suddenly a young lady walked to our church and offered to do it for us and deliver the printed material at our door step. It sounded absolutely wonderful, that would save our time and money; however, the lady suggested that she would give us a copy of the ‘coral raw’ software free for us so that we could also enjoy the benefit. Saw that? We refused. The auditor offered to give us pirated copy of ‘tally software’ so that we could install the software and feed our account details from home, that would make the work of our staff easy. We refused. I could have gone in for the ‘best’ car of the day on loan, back when I was working in the ‘Credit Card’ administration department for a multinational bank, but I refused. When the bank would reserve the ‘best’ theatre along with cookies for the entire family for a movie show; I refused. When the ‘best’ hotel was reserved by the bank and when the family were invited for party get-together; I refused to join such parties. You may think that I am a snob and a stickler for rules; not so friend, in all these places, the presence of God is not there. I don’t what to go to a place where He is not there!
Do you think I am a monk and I desire nothing? I do have wants but my desire would never supersede and ride roughshod over God’s commandment and integrity! Never! I would rather be within the circle of His will than step out and live an opulent life style without God. Are you listening? Friend, I had to give you all these explanations, because according to the mind-set of the present era of generation, living best, is all about having the best materialistic possessions. Variety is considered the essence of life today! The glamour of the glitzy shopping arcades, the ostentatious affluence of up-market vilas, flashy cars, mobiles and the latest electronic gadgets are considered to be ‘BEST’ today. Not only in the secular world, this ‘greed’ has even affected the churches today; we want our church to be the best, the choir to be the best and the inside décor to be above the rest of other churches; only then the church is considered to be the ‘best’. We got to get over this wrong conception of the term ‘best’; which church did the Holy Spirit select to pour down His Spirit? It was an upper room where 120 hungry souls were waiting? Praise God! Be humble, be simple and be content; allow God to bless you with the best rather than you grab the ‘worst things’ in life which would only get you into debts and sorrow. Beware!
Friend, observe the above promise of God closely; when you are willing to make changes in your life, make sacrifices for the sake of your Heavenly Father and walk out of sin, when you get ready to carry the cross everyday and follow Him, then God would give you the best He promised. What are the best things that God would offer us: joy, health, peace, happiness, good job, debt-free life, quarrel-free life, holiness, good children, great business and a lovely home. I am not against computers and the other essentials of life, though, but it becomes an ‘idol’ in your life when you put them before God.
God promised: You shall eat the best of the land! He is faithful and would keep His promise! God bless you with the BEST!