Benefits Of Sacrifice
Contributed by Arthur Good on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: What we "gain" through humble sacrifice for God.
Theme: What we gain through sacrifice.
Introduction: Philippians 3:7, 8. In scripture we find a principle that shows us that to make the greatest gains spiritually, we must be willing to sacrifice things physically. These “things” may include our possessions, time, money, convenience, comforts, and relationships that take the high place that God must hold in our lives. Every Christian should be willing to sacrifice everything for Jesus Christ. However, often times we look at what we stand to lose rather than what we have to gain (Romans 8:18).
sacrifice: to give up something of value for something else.
I. We gain LIFE. (Matthew 10:37-29, 16:24-26)
A. Jesus must be our first and greatest love. (Matthew 10:37)
1. Revelation 2:4 - charge against church at Ephesus.
2. Christ deserves single-hearted devotion. (Matthew 22:37)
3. Everything else must be secondary to our relationship with God.
B. We must bear our cross. (Matthew 16:24)
1. Cross symbolizes:
a. Suffering (1 Peter 2:21)
b. Death (Acts 10:39)
c. Shame (Hebrews 12:2)
d. Ridicule (Matthew 27:39)
e. Rejection (1 Peter 2:4)
f. Self-denial (Matthew 16:24)
2. Not an easy task!
C. We must suffer loss of ouir own life. (Matthew 10:39, 16:25)
1. John the Baptist, “He must become greater, I must become less.”
(John 3:30 NIV)
2. Paul to the Galatians, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no
longer live, but Christ lives in me...” (Galatians 2:20)
3. Paul to the Phillipians. (Philippians 3:8, 9)
4. To gain LIFE, we must lose our life in Christ.
II. We gain PRESENT/FUTURE BLESSING. (Luke 18:28-30, 14:26-33; Matthew
A. Peter’s proclamation: “We have left everything.” (Focus on loss)
B. Jesus’ prediction: “hundred times as much...” (Mark 10:30), “many times
more...” (Luke 18:30) (Focus on GAIN).
C. Sacrificial living has a cost - to place EVERYTHING at Christ’s service and
under His guidance. (Luke 14:28-33)
D. We gain eternal life.
III. We gain THE KINGDOM. (Matthew 13:44-46)
A. 6 times the phrase “the kingdom of heaven is like...” in Matthew 13.
B. Related to treasure in a field - man sold all he had to buy the field.
C. Related to fine pearls - when on of great value found, merchant sold
all he had to obtain it.
D. Are we willing to give all to God to GAIN the kingdom.
1. Luke 12:32
E. “The Kingdom of God (heaven) carries the idea of God coming into the world
to assert His power, glory, and rights against Satan’s dominion and the present
course of the world.
1. Present aspect of the kingdom:
a. Kingdom in Christ (Mark 1:15, Luke 11:20)
b. Kingdom in the Church - us! (Romans 14:17, 18;
Colossians 1:13, 14)
2. Future aspect of the kingdom: Luke 21:27; 1 Corinthians 15:24-28.
Conclusion: Psalms 23:1, 26:1. When we are willing to sacrifice all for Christ we find that we gain more than we ever lose.