Believing In God For A Miracle! Series
Contributed by Kyle Sullivan on Nov 10, 2014 (message contributor)
Summary: Our Faith in believing God for a miracle.
Verses of Faith:
Hebrews 11:6—Faith is the way to please God.
Romans 14:23—whatever is not of Faith is sin!
Matthew 9:29—Faith determines what God can do in your life!
Matthew 17:20—Faith solves impossible problems.
Matthew 21:22—Faith is the key to answered prayer.
John 14:12—Faith is the basis of miracles!
Romans 1:17—The Righteous will live by Faith!
Definition of a Miracle: What can God do?
Vs. 17
God gives life to something that was dead!
God creates something out of nothing!
Romans 4:18-22
Preparing for a Miracle: “Six Phases of Faith”
1) God gives you a Dream! Genesis 12:1-3
Every miracle starts with a dream and promise from God!
2) God gives you a Decision to make! Genesis 12:4
Faith is a verb; it is not passive but active!
3) God gives you a Delay! Genesis 15:1-6
Our Typical Reaction:
Doubt: Vs. 8 “O Sovereign LORD, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?” (NIV)
Despair: When you want to give Up!
Detour: Abraham got impatient!
4) God gives you the impossible Difficulties! Genesis 17:1-5, 15-19
Question: Are you ready to give up?
5) God gives you the Dead End! Genesis 22:1-12
Hebrews 11:17
The Death of a Vision!
6) God gives you Deliverance! Genesis 22:13-14
God specializes in Resurrections!
How did Abraham overcome the temptation to Give Up?
He put his trust in God! Vs. 17
His hope was based on God’s Word! Vs. 18
He looked beyond the Circumstances! Vs. 19
He gave glory to God! Vs. 20-21
Question: Is there a lesson to learn?
What holds true for Abraham holds true for us today!