
Summary: People plant and water the seed of God's Word. It is only God who causes growth.

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January 29, 2023 – Epiphany 4 – 1 CORINTHIANS 3:1-9

INTRO: We are God’s field. Sounds a bit strange to our ears. Yet, this is exactly what our text today tells us. We are aware of Jesus’ parables about the seed and the sower. The seed sown is the word of God. That seed is sown into God’s field. Peoples’ hearts. “But the seed that was sown on the good ground is the one who continues to hear and understand the word. Indeed he continues to produce fruit: some a hundred, some sixty, and some thirty times more than was sown” (MATTHEW 13:23). May our gracious God open our ears to hear. Hearts to understand. BELIEVERS ARE GOD’S FIELD. I. People plant and water. II. God causes growth.


A. Verse 1. Corinthian believers were just beginning their faith journey. At times acted worldly.

1. Paul called them “infants in Christ.” Not a bad title. Better than being children of Satan.

2. Verse 2. Paul fed them with milk. Like infants. Start with basics. Then on to solid food.

B. Verse 3. They were not yet ready for the solid food. Acting according to the flesh.

1. There was jealousy and strife among them. Previously worshiped many different false gods.

2. Verse 4. They had favorites: Paul, Apollos. An old habit from favorite false god rivalry.

C. Verse 6a. Paul and Apollos were normal, ordinary men. Paul planted. Apollos watered.

D. The believers at Corinth needed to grow in faith. Needed to learn of God’s great love for them. Children of God in every generation need the same maturity in knowing the heavenly Father better and better. We grow in our spiritual lives whenever we hear God’s Word. Faith comes by hearing the message. The message comes through Christ. As we daily read God’s word, we learn more about the wonderful working of our Creator in our lives. In this world. “Like newborn babies, crave the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow up with the result being salvation. Since you have tasted that the Lord is good!” (1 PETER 2:2, 3). And each of us “have tasted that the Lord is good!” We crave God’s Word!

E. God has used people to plant his seed into our hearts. The Lord God still uses people today to water that word. We continue to hear. We continue to read. We continue to study the living, active, and powerful word of God. We grow in our love for him who first loved us. Our soul wants to be fed. Watered. Nourished with truth. God’s Word IS Truth. Our faith matures. “But solid food is for mature people, who have their senses trained by practice to distinguish between good and evil” (HEBREWS 5:14). Children of God you have a maturing faith. A mature Christian faith recognizes good from evil. Distinguishes right from wrong. Our world is challenged to know the difference. Few today desire to judge what is right or wrong. Good and evil. The planted seed and watered word live in each one of us.

F. We are God’s field. Our heart is the soil where the seed can be planted. Our heart is the soil where God’s word is watered. Nourished. Our lives are changed. Now. Forever. We want more out of life. The world has little to offer. The world can only provide stuff that does not endure. The Lord offers eternal blessings. “Sow righteousness for yourselves, and reap mercy. Break up your fallow ground. It is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and rains righteousness on you” (HOSEA 10:12). The Lord wants to bless us with righteousness. In the Word we discover the righteousness of Christ covers our unrighteousness. His sinlessness pays for our sinfulness. Obedience for our disobedience. By faith we are saved by grace alone. Christ alone. We are sinners. Sinners forgiven. God pours out his divine righteousness on us.

BELIEVERS ARE GOD’S FIELD. The Lord God calls people to plant the seed. Water the word.


A. Verse 5. It was fleshly thinking to favor Paul or Apollos more than the other. Both served God.

1. Apollos was a convert to Christianity. He was a fellow servant (minister) with Paul.

2. Verse 6. Paul planted. Apollos watered. God was causing the growth.

3. Verse 7. Emphasis again: God causes the growth. Paul and Apollos really not anything.

B. Verse 8. The one who planted and the one who watered were united in their working for the Lord.

C. Verse 9. Paul and Apollos were coworkers with the Lord God. Coworkers with each other.

1. Apostle Paul began churches on missionary journeys. Left elders in charge of the churches.

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