
Summary: Believe In Yourself

Micheal Jackson and Diana Ross starred in a movie in the 1980’s which made a powerful statement to black people across America. The movie was entitled the "The Wiz" which was an urban version of "The Wizard of Oz".

One of the most challenging selections in this colorful screenplay was given by the good witch who sang a song entitled "Believe in Yourself". This statement this song made caused a lasting lesson to birthed. The lesson to us is "uccess in life comes only if you believe in yourself.

Webster describes believing in yourself as confidence!


Young people, stepping out into this new area of ministry over this past year, I have come to encourage you to be strong and give God your best . He is going to help you move forward to the next level in your own seperate ablities.

To be confident is to be sure, unwavering, undoubting. But to be sure there must be assurance.

When Moses was told by God at the burning bush to go before pharoah and demand the freedom of his brothers and sisters. Moses was unsure of himself. He began to make excuse and to think of reasons why he shouldn’t carry out the commands of God. He complained about not being able to speak well, and wondered by what authority he would be speaking for.

Moses, the one that is acclaimed for his courageousness and vision, was unsure of himself. But that is when God stepped in and placed in his hand a small rod. The Lord commanded him to go foward and use what you got.

What is this that God has put in your hand?

Has he given you a voice?

Has he given you a smile?

Has he given you a word to speak?

Has he given you a hope to share?

He gave Moses a rod.

When Moses stepped before Pharoah he had his hands wrapped tightly around that rod. HE WAS CONFIDENT! HE WAS SURE!

The challenge to young people today is to discover the nature of the rod in your hands nad how to use it with confidence.

Moses used his rod to challenge the powers of Eygpt.

He used the rod to roll back the waters of the Red Sea.

He waved his rod, and in answer God provided food on Israel’s table.

But Moses misused his rod once and provided water for the people witthout giving God his due credit and had to pay a major price.

The little rods talent, precision of thought, and fire of spirit that God has placed in each of your hands will help you to fight off the enemies, roll back the waters of opposition, and put bread on your table, but always remember taht whatever you accomplish in your life, it did not come from the rod , but rather the force of God behind the rod! Always give him first place in your life.

You are going forward in dangerous times. If ever there was a need for confidence and sureness of conviction it is now.

These are times when the threat to life, limb and property loom greater than ever before!

These are times when young dreams are deferred and dry up like a raisin in the sun!

These are times when the warm refreshing ideas of youth are frozen by the chilling breath of apathy and pessimism.

These are troublesome times.

I heard a songwriter say "In times like these we need a savior, in times like these we need an achor, be sure your anchor holds and grips the solid rock. This rock is Jesus, yes he’s the one, this rock is Jesus, the only one, be very sure, your anchor holds and grips the solid rock.

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