
Summary: We must live each day ready to receive Christ Jesus when He returns.

Being Ready – Matthew 24: 36 - 44

Intro: One day a bishop was approached by his assistant priest who said, “A woman claims to have seen a vision of Christ Jesus in the church sanctuary. What should we do?” Without hesitating a second the bishop answered, “Look busy!” --- The bishop’s answer expressed the belief of thousands of people over the last two-thousand years who have been concerned over knowing the date and time of the promised return of Christ. VS. 36 “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” This passage of scripture from Matthew is one that causes many people distress because they want to know WHEN.

I Today is the first Sunday in Advent which for most Christian churches marks the beginning of a new church year.

A The word ADVENT comes from the Latin ADVENTUS = “coming.” The Latin Bible (Vulgate) uses ADVENTUS to translate the Greek word PAROUSIA which means “coming or presence” which likely refers to the coming of the Lord Jesus at the end of time.

B As we celebrate the season ADVENT we begin the fourth Sunday before Christ focusing on the past.

C But this passage from the Gospel of Matthew concentrates on the 2nd coming of Christ Jesus known theologically as ESCHATOLOGY or PAROUSIA.

II This passage rather than look to the past, looks to the future where Jesus gives two examples of people dealing with the uncertainty of the future:

A VSS 37 – 39 remembers the story of Noah who was preparing while others just continued with their routine existence until it started to rain. Then, they panicked because they were not prepared. There are those today who do not heed the warning to prepare for the return of Christ by becoming so immersed in today and worldly affairs forgetting to prepare for eternity.

B VSS 40 – 41 Here Matthew tells us that the return of Christ will be a time of judgment and separation. “One will be taken and the other left.”

C Every tomorrow has 2 handles: We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety or by the handle of faith. My guess is this, the handle you grab will depend on which you think you will be: the one taken or the one left.

III VSS 43 – 44 “Be prepared. Live as you ought. Do what you must following in the example of Christ Jesus.”

A An auctioneer once said, “Folks, this stuff is like religion – you’ve got to get it when you don’t want it in order to have it when you need it.”

B As Christians, we must ask ourselves what we must do in the in between the forever and not yet. What do we do while we wait for the return of Christ.

C The plan, yet simple answer is this, prepare! All life must be a preparation. The watching for the Christian is not terror-stricken fear or shivering apprehension. It should be eager anticipation and expectation.

Conclu: The return of Christ is sure. What will we do in the meantime? Some people believe that when you die, you will face God and make an accounting of your life. Judgment will come for you then. You will be “taken” to heaven or not. Others believe at death we await the day of final judgment when we will be taken or not. I do not know who is right. The certainty for me is that Christ is coming and I, for one, don’t want to be left behind. I want to spend the remainder of my life being ready.

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