Being Presented Faultless
Contributed by Kemuel Travis on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: To show that we can be presented faultless before God and how it can happen.
-Last week we began a two-part look at the book of Jude
-We saw in the early part of the book that we are to contend against apostasy
-Tonight, we are going to look at the latter part of the book
-Here, we will see some instruction for those who desire to be presented faultless before God on the day of judgement
-What would it be like to be presented faultless before God?
-Jude 1:20-25
-This passage gives us six keys to being presented faultless before God
I. Build Yourself Up In The Faith (vs. 20)
-We looked at this a little last week
-There’s a little bit of overlap here
-But, let’s look at it a little more in depth tonight
-It’s like Spiritual Bodybuilding
A. Knowing what you believe
B. Knowing why you believe
C. Acting on your beliefs
II. Pray In The Holy Spirit (vs. 20)
-Again more overlap here
-But, let’s look at other passages that can help us understand this a little better
-Romans 8:26
-I Corinthians 14:14-15
-Ephesians 6:17-18a
-When we are fully given over to God, His Spirit reigns supremely in us
-When God’s Spirit reigns supremely in us, He will make the intercession for us
-Why do we want the Spirit to intercede for us?
A. Because of His supreme wisdom
-He knows more than we do, believe it or not
B. Because of His supreme power
-He can do all things
-His power is limitless
III. Keep Yourself In God’s Love (vs. 21)
-This means it requires effort on our part
-The Greek here for “keep” has the idea of “attending to carefully”
-Note: This does not mean that God’s love towards us ever changes
-Nothing we could ever do could change His love for us in any way (good or bad)
A. Living in the light of His love
B. Adjusting course from time to time
-We tend to drift, ever so slightly sometimes
IV. Look For God’s Mercy (vs. 21)
-Mercy Definition
-Not getting what we deserve
-Just like God’s love, God’s mercy never changes or moves
-Here’s the good part about God’s mercy, it is extended to us for eternal life
A. We may have let something get in the way of our viewpoint
-They may not even be evil things
B. We may have turned our back on it
1. In forgetfulness
-That is why moments of remembrance are important to us
2. In apathy
-Thinking it not that important
V. Hate Garments Defiled By The Flesh (vs. 22-23)
-We become pros sometimes at allowing the effects of evil still exist
-Q: Who would like to own the following?
-JFK’s car from Dallas shooting
-Monica Lewinski’s dress
-Neverland Ranch
-In the OT we often read of prophets and others tearing down pagan shrines and Ashtoreth poles
-Yet, in our society, we simply try to “sanctify” such places
-Churches meeting in former strip clubs
A. Your own sin stains on your life
-Sin is much worse than leprosy
-We should treat it as such
B. The sin stains of others
VI. Allow God To Keep You From Stumbling (vs. 24)
A. Let Him guide your feet
-Likewise, I’ll not go where you do not want me to go
1. For service
-Ministry, etc. . .
-Everyone is a minister
2. For obedience
B. Let His focus your eyes
-What does He want you to observe?
-Plight of the helpless
-Sinfulness of unbelievers
-Needs in the church
-Truth in His Word
C. Let His guard your mind
1. From evil
2. Towards holiness
-Let’s all strive to be people who on the judgement day can be presented as blameless before God