
Summary: A Palm Sunday message.



Matt. 21:5 / Luke 19:38

Pastor Pierpoint


Some of the greatest events recorded in the life of our Saviour take place in what we call the Passion Week. Our attention this morning is called to one of those events. The account of Christ coming to Jerusalem and His presentation of Himself to the Jewish nation as its Divine Prince and King has been recorded in all four Gospels. Out of this Palm Sunday entry , there is an interesting statement that arrests my attention. It is my prayer that God will stir up our minds as we meditate and reflect upon it. “Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord...” (Luke 19:38) The title of KING given to Jesus, found frequently in the Gospels, carries historic Jewish and national overtones. But for us today, there are spiritual applications of this title that are not only timely, but powerful and beautiful. Who is this King who enters Jerusalem? Why did He come? Why should we give attention to this King? “Behold Your King!”

I. Behold Him, the King crowned with praise .

This occasion was more than a Sunday Morning parade, it was a Sunday morning praise meeting. (Luke 19:36-39)

Observe these facts about this praise occasion:

(1) Observe the character of their praise. (Luke 19:37-38)

It was focused. King Jesus was the object or their praise.

It was vocal. Their praise was neither private or quiet.

It was joyous. A joyless religion is worthless.

It was shallow. Shallow praise is better than no praise.

(2) Observe the cause for praise.

They were praising the King for “all the mighty work that they had seen.” (Luke19:37)

(3) Observe the criticism toward their praise.

Their praise was voluminous but not unanimous. “...And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said, “Master rebuke thy disciples.” (Luke 19:39)

II. Behold Him, the King characterized by prophecy.

There never has been a king whose coming and character has been so clearly and frequently prophesied as King Jesus. Matt (21:4) makes reference to one of these prophecies.

Read Zech.9:9 and observe the following characteristics:

(1) The King would come with joy.

(2) The King would come in humility.

(3) The King would come in the spirit of justice.

(4) The King would come with salvation.

Note: Christ’s coming to Jerusalem is symbolic of His coming to our individual hearts and lives.

As Christ came and offered salvation to the Jewish people, so He comes to us today with offers of grace and mercy. Behold, thy King cometh with Salvation!

III. Behold Him, the King consumed with passion.

Kings don’t usually weep unless they can’t have their way. But this King wept! (Luke 19:41). And there was a reason for His tears even in an atmosphere of triumph. As He looked across the Holy City this King saw something that others didn’t see.

He saw the

(1) persistence of their rejection and wept. Matt. 23:37

(2) passing of their visitation and wept. Luke 19:44

(3) perverseness of their disposition and wept.

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