
Summary: Walls provide essential protection and security in our lives. Spiritually, they symbolize the defense mechanisms we build to safeguard our faith. Today, we'll explore Nehemiah's story and the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls, highlighting the importance of a strong spiritual foundation.

Hallelujah! Today, we'll have a short exhortation titled "Behind the Walls." We all see walls frequently—in churches, parks, and everywhere around us. Walls play an essential role, providing protection and defense. In the Bible, David desired to build a temple because he felt empathy seeing the Ark of the Covenant in a tent while he lived in a beautiful place. He wanted a permanent temple, and King Solomon fulfilled this desire by constructing a magnificent temple that brought glory to God. First Kings, chapter six, details the construction materials and the walls built for the temple, made with huge, lengthy stones. Despite this, the first temple was destroyed by the Babylonians, and the Jewish people were exiled for 70 years. After their return, under Zerubbabel's leadership, they built the second temple, but it lacked protective walls, leading to attacks from neighboring countries and a lack of peace.

God then placed a desire in Nehemiah's heart to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Seeing the people of Jerusalem reproached by their enemies, Nehemiah wept, fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven. With the King’s permission, he traveled with officials and began the work quietly. Remarkably, in just 52 days, Nehemiah and the people rebuilt the walls, which were almost eight feet thick. It was the hand of the Lord that enabled this. Today, as we face continuous challenges, we need to rebuild our protection in the Lord. Let us pray, asking the Lord to protect us and our families, ensuring our children are safeguarded and not led astray. We must act to rebuild our spiritual walls of protection. Amen

Bro. Michael Hobday

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