Bee The Bigger Person Series
Contributed by Tommy Jackson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon series is based upon the Beatitudes.
The Bee Series Bee The Bigger Person
OPEN: Good Morning Restoration! Today, I am starting a Brand New 3 Week Series called “The Bee Series”.
I’ve entitled the first message in this series: “Bee The Bigger Person”.
How many of you know from experience that our interactions with other people can be quite trying?
As much as we attempt to keep a level head, be kind and stay classy...there’s always that one jerk who wants to push your buttons and push you to the limit. But you must remember: your reputation, your sanity and even your safety are reliant upon your ability to know when to just be the proverbial “bigger person”.
(Intro New Series: Tell How God Gave You the Inspiration for this Series)
STORY: Scheduled to meet someone at my Credit Union.....
Employee said: I guess you’re the “bigger person” QUOTE:
Jesus had something to say about this:
Don’t treat people as bad as they are...treat
them as good as you are.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and
tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil
person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to
them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to
sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as
well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with
them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do
not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from
you. Matthew 5:38-42
This morning, I want to break this down into a simple “when, where and how”
Where to Be the Bigger Person
please Amigo, brought in one at a time)
(all on one slide
When to Be the Bigger Person, and
How to Be the Bigger Person
Where Do We Need to Be the “Bigger Person”?
# 1- In Public
(all on one slide please Amigo, brought
in one at a time)
# 2 – In Your Family
# 3 – In The Workplace
In Public: When you come across the stank mama at the fast food spot or the uppity dude at the boutique, make sure that you stay calm and keep entirely respectful. The second you “go there” with them, you challenge your ability to have the situation rectified with a manager and may find yourself getting asked to leave! Say “I’m sorry if you are having a rough day and I definitely don’t want to make it any worse. I just need...” and clarify where you stand. If you can’t get some respect...ask for a higher up.
In Your Family: In most instances, our relatives are important to us, trying as they may be. When dealing with an elder (especially one who raised you), be sure to exercise respect. Your mom may be wrong as sin, but she’s your mother and not deserving of the eye- roll and sarcasm two-piece that you can serve up to a homegirl. Remain calm and, if need be, end the conversation: “Dad, I’m sorry but we aren’t seeing eye to eye on this one. Let’s try to talk a bit later. Love you!” When it comes to siblings and other peers, you may not need to defer, but you must remain aware of

the fact that no matter how they are behaving they aren’t just some thug off the street.
In The WORKPLACE: If you find yourself in a contentious spot with a colleague, suggest bringing in another party to mediate if you can’t talk it out together. Whatever you have to do to avoid
an argument, you need to do it. Nothing cute about being “right” on the unemployment line.
TRANSITION: So we looked at WHERE to Be The Bigger Person, now let’s look at WHEN to be the Bigger Person. As Christians, we should Be The Bigger person when we are put in situations where we have to make a choice about our behavior.
Keep in mind that one of the GREATEST gifts given to us by God is the "Gift to choose", so make the following choices:
- - -
(it's only 18 feet of pavement)
Choose to Be The Bigger Person and let them pass
without getting irritated
Choose to Be The Bigger Person and Let the Other
Person "Win" the argument
Choose to Be The Bigger Person and Let them be
with the one who makes them happy; and MOVE on!
- - - - - -
TRANSITION: So I can almost hear you say, “that’s good Pastor, but how do I live that out on a daily basis? I mean, what you are telling me preaches good on Sunday, but it’s hard to live on Monday!
Well.....let me just say, I feel your pain! I have been there myself and I seem to find myself there quite often.