
Becoming a Godly Young Person

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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God is calling young people to be faithful, bold, courageous, and determined like Caleb in the Bible, and to trust in His divine resources as they follow Him in their daily lives.

Becoming a Godly Young Person

Youth Group Plan: Becoming a Godly Young Person (Numbers 13:1-2)

Youth Sermon: Becoming a Godly Young Person


Hey everyone! Today, we're going to talk about what it means to be different. Not just different for the sake of being different, but different in a way that makes a positive impact on the world around us. We're going to look at the story of Caleb in the Bible and see how his faith and determination made him stand out from the crowd.

In this story, Moses sends 12 spies to check out the Promised Land. When they come back, 10 of them are scared and say they can't take the land because there are giants living there. But Caleb and Joshua have a different perspective. They trust God and believe that He will help them conquer the land.

We're going to look at the story of Caleb in the Bible and see how his faith and determination made him stand out from the crowd.

Lessons from Caleb

So, what can we learn from Caleb and how can we apply it to our lives?

1. Be filled with the Holy Spirit: Just like the helium-filled balloon, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to rise above the world's negativity and challenges. When we have the Holy Spirit in us, we have the power to be different and make a difference.

2. Follow God completely: Caleb didn't just follow God when it was easy or convenient. He followed God even when it meant going against the majority. As teenagers, we can choose to follow God in every area of our lives, even when it's not popular or easy.

3. Serve God cheerfully: Caleb served God with a joyful heart. We can choose to serve God and others with a cheerful attitude, showing gratitude for all that God has done for us.

4. Trust God in difficult times: Caleb had faith in God even when facing giants. As teenagers, we will face challenges and difficulties, but we can choose to trust God and believe that He will help us overcome them.

Life Application

So, how can we put these lessons into practice? Here are some practical ideas:

- Spend time in prayer and reading the Bible daily to grow in your relationship with God.

- Look for opportunities to serve others at school, church, or in your community.

- Stand up for what's right, even when it's not popular.

- Encourage and support your friends in their walk with God.


"Lord, thank You for the example of Caleb and his faithfulness to You. Help us to be different from the world around us by being filled with Your Holy Spirit, following You completely, serving You cheerfully, and trusting You in difficult times. Give us the courage and strength to make a positive impact on the world around us. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. In what areas of your life do you struggle with trusting God and being faithful like Caleb?

2. How can you be more courageous and bold in your faith, even when it's unpopular or difficult?

3. What are some practical ways you can follow God completely, cheerfully, and constantly in your daily life?

4. How can you leave a godly inheritance for future generations, like Caleb did for his children?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Giant Grapes Relay

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