
Summary: If we run from our giants they just keep coming and we can never get away from them. What we need is to become giant killers…

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I want to know something this morning…

Are there any giant killers in this place? We have seen, over the last few weeks, what it takes to rush our giants…

What happens if we fail to rush our giants…BUT just rushing them is not enough.

I was thinking about this series last Sunday evening and the Lord shared with me that I was leaving out a very important subject.

See just simply rushing our giants won’t solve our problem. I could start growling and howling and run at most anyone in here and it might scare you momentarily but the fear won’t last…

If we run from our giants they just keep coming and we can never get away from them.

What we need is to become giant killers…

There are 4 things I want to look at that will help us to become giant killers.

Lead up to verse 31...

1. We must dare to be different: ill vs. 31-37

When I was young, I would ask my Dad if I could do something and he would say “NO”

“But everybody else is doing it!” My Dad's response was the same that most ever other person here has heard. "If everyone else jumps off a cliff, you gonna jump with them?"

Paul tells us in Romans 12: 2aNLT “Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world”

KJV uses the word conformed instead of copy but that is exactly what conforming is…copying…being just like everyone else…

Paul goes on to tells that we should “…let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

The word transform is where we get our word metamorphosis…caterpillar>butterfly…

The Monarch caterpillar eats a plant that is considered poisonous...many are living in this world and consuming the things that poison our bodies...our minds and our souls...

One day that caterpillar begins to spin a caccoon and something strange begins to happen. On the inside of that caccoon the is a transformation taking place. The caterpillar is becoming a new creature. One day he begins to break free of the caccoon and out pops a beautiful butterfly. You know there is a real difference between the butterfly and the caterpillar. The butterfly no longer desires the poison from the plant but now flys to flower, where the sweet necter is found...

Don't be like everyone else DARE TO BE DIFFERENT

2. Prepare for the battle: 38-40

Too often many of us will go against our giant empty handed…unprepared…no prayer, no power.

Sometimes we try to face our giant dressed in someone else’s gear…sometime we bring too much to the battle. [lady in Kenya who had been through all of the SBC training and would not let the woman in Nairobi accept Christ until she finished giving her all the good stuff] Woman told her “When you have been in the darkness as long as I have and someone shows you the Light, you don’t need to know it all…you just need to accept the light.”

Use what God gave you to face your giant. He has already provided everything you will need…

All David took to the battle was a stick [NASB] and a sling…if David carried his rod, which was one of the two tools that the shepherd always carried, it would be about 2-3 foot long and have a huge knot on one end.

The shepherd could through this rod or stick with precision or use it to beat the tar out of the lion or bear that attacked the sheep.

The weapon he used was a simple sling and stone…[describe how David mastered the use of the sling, as he watched his father‘s sheep]

My Granny Richburg gave me a sling, when I was a young boy and told the syory of David and Goliath to me. She then told me to go way out ion the field to practice with it. I picked up a few rocks and headed out into the field. I swung the sling round and round like she told me to do and released one of the straps, releasing the rock in hopes of strikg the can in front of me. To this day I have no idea where that rock landed...

3. Fix Your Focus: 41-47

David knew that on his own, he was no match for Goliath…

David also knew that Goliath was no match for the God of Israel…

Many are looking at their giant and saying “he too big to hit”

We need to be like David and say he’s too big to miss…He’s a runt compared to my God!!!

If you focus on your giant you will stumble and fall but if you focus on God your giant will fall every time.


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