Become A Great Servant!
Contributed by Raphiel Manenge on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We all need to be served.Rarely do we ourselves needs to serve.If we need greatness we have to be servant of others in Christ Jesus.
“Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mathew 20:26-28
We all want to be great in life. We all want to be successful people. We all many times are not willing to walk the great way to that destination. There is always a way to anywhere. For you to be a doctor you have to pass through university. For one to have the right to be a child of God you have to receive Jesus Christ. For you to be great you have to be humble and serve. There is an old adage which says for you to be a king you need to live/work as a servant is somehow true when it comes to greatness. Be a great servant.
So many people miss it out in life when they show off. It is shocking and monotonous if a father always tells his family daily and always that he is the father. Everyone in the family knows who he is and he only needs to serve as a father. People want good things but not willing to get them. They walk the path that does not lead there. They are full of pride and boasting spirit. Many relationships and marriages were destroyed due to pride. The world is in serious shortage of people who are of humble spirit. People of a servant nature yet being great, No wonder why few are successful and many are failures. They boast and exercise or show off too much and don’t want to serve. They are too smart to pray for others, too smart to help, too smart to respect!
Jesus in the scripture above was counseling His disciples after having fallen in that trap of wanting results without work. A mother of the two disciples had come to exalt his children to the level of Jesus by sitting one to the right and one to the left. Also the disciples had been arguing on who is great among them. Greatness is not in what you have, work, position you hold nor what did you achieve .Its not in all that but in serving others in humility. Today we talk of the Lord Jesus Christ because he served all of us. We talk of great preachers, leaders and so forth because they have poured out themselves for the people. As long as you want greatness is a servant. Serve with humility and lowliness of mind. IT doesn’t matter you did and achieve the unspeakable be humble and serve others. Let glory be given to God. Just be yourself and you will be great.
The bible tells us that God take pleasure in those who are humble and will exalt them but the proud He dislikes. The reason why Lucifer fell was that He wanted to be great without being a servant. Pride will come before a fall. You are a great person if you allow God to be in control of your life, if you humble yourself to consider others as equally important as yourself. Do not be deceived with your accomplishments. Many people become boastful and change when they have attained money, wealth or promotions. It was not by your wisdom, power or knowledge; it was rather by God’s grace and favor. You don’t have to live as if it’s a right to be living today. Be humble and serve others then you will be great. There is no one with a certificate or degree to be alive right now buts it’s all because God desired it to be like that. Therefore don’t waste time resources and energy being boastful, being bossy, wanting to be felt as if you are the only one living. You need to be humble and then be great.
Jesus conquered by humility. He went down in order to be exalted higher. Sometimes your problem is that you are so boastful and lord of yourself. Be humble and become a great. It’s called tightening by loosening. When you serve as if you are nothing then you become something, when you just serve others as if you are a servant yet you are on your way to greatness. Don’t blow your own trumpet. Humility is the key to greatness.
Be a great servant!
God bless you!
Written by Raphiel Manenge 17/08/05 rmanenge@zabg.co.zw