
Summary: Because we belong to God, we should desire spiritual nourishment to grow, we enjoy certain blessings, and we have a holy purpose in life.

Because We Belong to God Part 2 I Pet. 2:1-10

INTRO.: We want to continue today thinking about certain things a Christian should do and be just because he is a Christian. Last week we spoke of being holy in conduct, living in reverent fear, and loving one another sincerely.

There are other very important aspects of living the Christian life. Let’s examine our text to find some of them:

I. Desire the spiritual milk. 1-3

A. "Therefore" takes us back to 1:23-25

1. Because we are born again.

2. Because we are immortal in Christ.

3. Because the Word of the Lord stands forever.

B. Therefore we must put away:

1. Malice

2. Deceit

3. Hypocrisy,

4. envy,

5. slander of all kinds.

C. Be as newborn babes.

1. We are, after all, born again.

2. The Christian life is a process of growth.

3. Desiring spiritual milk so we may grow proves the sincerity of our religion.

II. Because we belong to God, we have certain privileges:

A. We have come to Christ. 4

1. Others rejected Him.

2. We are, like Jesus, living stones. 4, 5

3. We are also rejected by men. 4:14

4. Chosen by God 2:9

5. "Precious. 2:10

6. In Christ, we partake of all these blessings.

B. We are a "holy priesthood. 5

1. We offer spiritual sacrifices of praise, prayer, resources, service.

2. They become acceptable to God through Christ.

3. These spiritual sacrifices are superior to OT material sacrifices.

C. Christ is the chief cornerstone of our lives: 6-8

1. He is chosen by God.

2. He is precious

3. He will never cause us disappointment.

4. But to unbelievers, He is a threat.

III. Because we are Christians we have a holy purpose: v. 9

A. Be aware we are a chosen people.

1. A wonderful privilege.

2. But an awesome responsibility.

B. Conduct the affairs of a royal priesthood.

1. Offer the sacrifices of praise, prayer, generosity.

2. Present an example of godly living.

3. Teach the Word of God through example and word.

C. Behave like a holy people.

1. Our status is changed. We no longer live for self.

2. We must show the glory of our Heavenly Father.

CONC.: We may need to more fully realize our role as Christians is to live a life apart from the sins and excesses of this world as God’s particular people and to show forth His glory and majesty to those around us.

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