
Summary: This is an expository sermon on God’s amazing love based on John 3:16.

“For God SO loved the world”

The little word “so” speaks volumes. It means that God’s love is limitless. It is immeasurable. In the words of the song writer, “The love of God is greater far/ Than tongue or pen can ever tell,/ It goes beyond the highest star/ And reaches to the lowest hell.”

You may fail and fall and you think you reach rock bottom but God’s love has no bottom. David learned that when he committed adultery and murder. He thought he reached rock bottom. But instead he found out that God’s love has no rock bottom. Paul learned that when he allowed the killings of Christians before his conversion. But instead he found out that God’s love has no rock bottom. As another song writer puts it, “Nothing you can do could make Him love you more, And nothing that you’ve done could make Him close the door.”

God’s love is indescribable. “Could we with ink the ocean fill/ And were the skies of parchment made;/ Were every stalk on earth a quill/ And every man a scribe by trade,/ To write the love of God above/ Would drain the ocean dry,/ Nor could the scroll contain the whole/ Though stretched from sky to sky.”

“For God so loved THE WORLD”

God’s love is inclusive. He loves all colors, all sizes, all types, all nationalities, educated or illiterate, skeptics, atheists, murderers, law-abiding citizens, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, all kinds.

If you are in the world, you are included. Churches excludes but not God. Schools exclude but not God. Governments exclude but not God.

“That He GAVE His only Son”

God proves His love with His action. He created the world for you. To prove His love to you. The sunrise, the sunset, the rain, the snow, the flowers, the fruits, the ocean teeming with fish, the majestic mountains, you name it and He created it to show He loves you.

He created you just like Himself, with a will and the power to thumb your nose to Him. When He created you, He knew full well that you will hurt Him, you will break His heart, you will put nail Him to the cross. And yet He created you. You are special to Him. He loves you so much.

He pursues us with His love. George Matheson, the blind song writer, after he was dumped by his girl friend who refused to be tied down to someone who is blind in a life-long relationship, wrote, “O Love that wilt not let me go,/ I rest my weary soul in thee;/ I give thee back the life I owe,/ That in thine ocean depths its flow/ May richer, fuller be.” He discovered that God loved him so much that He would never dump him or forsake him.

“That He gave His ONLY SON”

The ultimate demonstration of God’s love is His sending His only Son to die on the cross for you. The song writer said, “Before the world began, you were on His mind./ And every tear you cry is precious in His eyes./ Because of His great love, He gave His only Son,/ Everything was done, so you would come.”

He could have given the whole world but it is not enough. He could have given any of the angels but it is not enough. Only the giving of His only Son will do. Because when God loves, He does it in a complete way. Not partially. Not 99%. Not 99.99%. But 1000%. No, one billion percent.

“So that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE.”

I like the chorus of that song we have been citing. It says, “Come to the Father though your gift is small,/ Broken hearts, broken lives, He will take them all./ The power of the Word, the power of His blood,/ Everything was done so you would come.”

God wants you to come to Him today because He has something very special for you. He has the best gift you can imagine. Nobody can give this gift to you. It is better than winning a super lotto. It is better than anything you can imagine.

He wants to give you eternal life. “Eternal” does not only mean longevity. It means quality. It means heavenly. It means a life just like God’s. It is everything that only God can give.

Will you come to Him today?

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