
Summary: an exposition on Matt ch 24&25


Matthew 24 v. 42 - ch 25 v. 13

watching - Here we are told to :- watch, to wait and watch, and to work, wait, and watch

1. The purpose for watchfulness v. 42 "for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come"

2. The protection of watchfulness v. 43 i.e. to keep your house, on a good foundation and with a good finish, who comes? - The Lord, How? - as a thief, Why? - to test the house and it’s foundation.

3. The preparation of watchfulness v. 44 "be ye also ready"

prepare personally,- prepare immediately, - prepare thoroughly (the testing is coming), prepare assuredly (it will be good you did)

4. The perception of watchfulness v. 46, the servant was commended for his attention, his attitude and his actions "so doing"

5. The promotion of watchfulness v. 47, "He shall make him ruler, over all his goods" - his service is recognised, rewarded, and recommended.

6. The perils to watchfulness v. 48 "but and if", here are warnings of spiritual dearth

(a) The cause of spiritual dearth - "my Lord delayeth His coming" carelessness

(b) The confession of spiritual dearth It is a :-

(1) A heart confession "in his heart" - outward conformity, but inward complacency

(2) A hidden confession (unknown to others)

(3) A hazardous confession v. 49 leads to :-

(A) Careless conduct "drunken"

(B) Callous conduct "smite" i.e. backbiting

(C) Calamatious conduct v. 50 & 51 the visitation (of Lord), the separation (from saved),the identification (with hyprocites),and the lamentation v. 51 (with the lost)

(c) The consequences of spiritual dearth - death v. 51

(1) The revelation of hell - no one spoke more about it than the Lord Jesus Himself.

(2) The reality of hell "there shall be" - no dispute, no doubt, no denial

(3) The reason for hell - weeping etc - a place of punishment, for the devil, his angels and his followers

(4) The road to it - the road of outward rebellion, and the road of inward procrastination.

(5) The remorse of hell - weeping and gnashing of teeth - no pleasure only pain

(6) The release from hell - there is no release

(7) The remedy to hell - is found through salvation in Christ alone

7. The priority of watchfulness ch 25 v. 1 - 13 -seen here in ten virgins - waiting

We see here :-

(a) Similarities v. 1 -in invitation, in profession (lamps), and in expectation (they all went forth)

(b) Separation v. 2 - of character (wise and foolish), of conduct (with and without oil), of consequence (shut in or shut out)

(c) Slumbering v. 5 - The reason for delay (God is longsuffering), the result (sleep), the reassurance (the Lord still came)

(d) Shout v. 6 - "at midnight", it was unexpected, inconvenient, but the pre-ordained time, "go ye out" - personally, presently, preparedly - to meet Christ

(e) Scrambling v. 7 - 9 - A time of awaking, of explaining ( our lamps), of revealing (gone or going out), and of denying (No oil available)

(f) Summons v. 10 the bridegroom came - who came?, when he came?, as the foolish were buying, why he came? to the marriage, what happened? - the door was shut i.e. the wise were shut in, and the foolish were shut out, v. 11 their request -"Lord ,open to us." v. 12 their response "I know you not", v. 13 their rebuke, v. 13 "Watch therefore."

(g) Sentence v. 14 - 30 and v. 29 & 30 - talents for working, v. 30 outer darkness, because of wastefulness (of talent), of watchlessness (of coming), of wickedness (of heart - v. 26 (Thou wicked and slothful servant)

8. The punishment for watchlessness v30 "outer darkness"

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