
Summary: In this world we are going to face many difficult situations. Jesus told us that we would go through tribulation, which will try to make us lose faith. We have a promise from God that he will never leave nor forsake us.

John 16:24-33

There are a number of circumstances will face in this life. At the same time we find it so difficult to cope with them and trying to find a solution. Many families are confused by not understanding how to face reality that there is a real problem. Dealing with issues in life can be so hard because we live in a materialistic world where people are more concerned about what they can get and achieve, that they forget about building a solid family foundation. They are looking for answers in the midst of a dark world.

Jesus on the night before he was to be crucified encourages his disciples. They had become a bit weary and afraid because Jesus was about to leave. The same Jesus that they saw heal the sick, raise the dead and work many miracles was talking about dying. How could someone with so much power die. Now Jesus is sharing with them the things they would go through after he left to go back to the Father.

As followers of Christ we will go through many things. The Apostle Paul told his son Timothy that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution II Tim. 3:12. if they hated Jesus we should expect to be hated too. If they talked about Jesus we should expect to be talked about too. We cannot give up our Faith in God because that is all we have to hold on to. Christ is our hope of Glory who we await for any day now. We must continue to fight the good fight of faith.

Jesus told his disciples even though they were going to face times of sorrow he told them. These things I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world John 16:33. Jesus wants to assure us that his peace would be with us. Even though we may face fiery trials his peace will keep us in his perfect will. We may go through many things in life but knowing that the Lord is right there gives us the peace that surpasses all understanding. Beloved we can be of good cheer. People will try to figure how that situations that bother them don't bother you. It is because of the peace of God within us. One day there is a reward for us if we hold out until the end. He that endure until the end the same shall be saved. The world may not understand how you can keep smiling keep a good attitude through difficult moments, it is because of the Peace of God that is within us. Stay on the strait and narrow path that leads to life and never give up.

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