Be My Valentine
Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: John 3:16 is a valenting from God. Sometimes we we let our love be take fro granted.
Be My Valentine
John 3:16
I was thinking about Love this week. I had many occasions that brought the subject to my mind. Keylee was baking a cake for class for a valentine party of sorts. Jason purchased a heart shaped box of chocolates and has other plans lined up that will probably involve me.
I thought back to my elementary school days. I remember making valentines in class. I believe they were for mom. The red construction paper cut into the shape of a heart. The white lacey paper that was glued around the edge. I don’t remember being too neat. I do seem to remember being excited to take it home.
I also remember filling in the too and from on valentines from the store for the whole class. I suspect it was probably actually a writing exercise.
Sometimes, I would choose particular valentines for certain people. I especially remember searching the box of cards for the perfect valentine for that very special person… My teacher. I always started with the teacher card, doing as neat a job as I possibly could.
My hand writing has never improved.
Occasionally, I would mark out words on the front, not wanting any girl to get the mistaken idea. It is not my fault that my mom made me make a card for everyone….wither I liked them or not.
Then on the day closest to Valentines Day we delivered them to people’s desk or boxes or bags along the wall. The girl’s mail boxes were heavily decorated with harts and lace and lots of red. The boys just had the minimum, a name if we were allowed to get away with it.
I remember later days in high school. Ordering a flower from some school club for my sweet heart. I seem to remember spending all I had to get the best gifts and cards I could. Love can make you do some strange things, it can make you act crazy, it can make you take risk that a sane person would never consider.
I had one additional deep thought this week. The more I thought about Love the more I remembered how much it hurt.
I hope that ya’ll can remember that painful feeling of young love. Sometimes it was hidden deep inside of you. Perhaps only exposed when you looked…..at a distance toward that person that caught your eye. It guess it was called a crush.
--- Today’s scripture is probably the most quoted scripture ever. You see it on a sign in the bleachers on ball games. People can say it with you if you start to quote it. I would venture to guess that if you ask a random person what John 3:16 sez they could give an accurate paraphrase if they have ever spent any time in church.
John 3:16 is the simplified statement of the Gospel. It is similar to a valentine; you know the statements on a valentine are simplified statements of love and friendship. I can not think of a Valentine I have ever seen that would actually express the Love I have for Renee. Love is more complex that a catchy slogan on a colorful card.
Be mine, True Love, Be My valentine all fall short of how I feel, but since I don’t know how to express it myself in words. The extra price of a Hallmark card, all too often, has to do . I can only hope that the depth of my feelings is understood from the off the rack gesture.
This scripture is a valentine, the words are powerful and the meaning is deep beyond words, however the statement is brief.
16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
That is the statement of the gospel in the simple terms that you can print on a card with a lovely image and mail it to someone you want to give the hint to. It can be whispered on a plane or at a restaurant. It can be a conversation starter, to test the waters before you jump into a full description of Jesus Christ.
But this little scripture represents a whole lot more. It is a statement that tries to explain the heart of God.
For God So loved the World, perhaps we need to address this valentine a little more personally.
For God so loved Tom…..
For God so lived Sone,
For God so lived Ed,
For God so loved Frankie
For God so loved abortionist, politicians, students, liars
It is important that we understand that the word “world” in our scripture is not limited to people like us… it means every person no matter how undeserving they may appear to us.