Be Fruitful And Multiply
Contributed by Michael Stark on Jan 18, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: The Creator's command, "Be Fruitful and Multiply," is largely ignored by the people of God today. We have much to learn even with the second part of His command to subdue the earth.
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“God blessed [the man and the woman]. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’” [1]
Undoubtedly, I am venturing into dangerous territory with the presentation of this message. I recognise that the message proposes exploration of territory that few modern Christians will ever see. I am entering territory that was once occupied by all followers of the Risen Lord; but this territory has been ceded to the rationalists, the modernist, the unbelieving world. Christians have fled en masse from defending the concept that husbands and wives are to cooperate with the Creator in producing large families.
Christians have largely rejected the Creator’s command issued to the first couple, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” Indoctrinated by contemporary evolutionary doctrine, modern mankind has concluded that our world has pretty well fulfilled this command. And we Christians are far more influenced by the world than we imagine. But have we fulfilled God’s command? We who profess the Word of God to be authoritative need to ask whether we are serious about obeying the Word God has given.
If I were to ask you who listen whether we should take seriously the second part of the verse under consideration in the message, that is, the command to subdue the earth while exercising dominion over the animals God placed on the earth, I suspect we would be nearly unanimous in our agreement that we should exercise oversight. We are not like the self-destructive souls who want to halt all energy production and stop all mining, without sacrificing a single convenience that has enriched modern life.
However, if I were to ask you whether the first part of God’s command was to be taken seriously, the command to be fruitful and multiply, I suspect that most would indicate that the command is at best optional. The question is whether Christians have a basic duty to try to have children. Do you find it strange that we believe we are responsible to obey God when it comes to this business of having dominion, but that procreation is a matter of moral indifference, something like choosing romaine over iceberg lettuce when shopping for groceries?
Do you suppose we who claim to follow the Risen Lord of Glory have distorted the Word of God in this business of marriage and bringing children into the world? Why does Scripture consistently celebrate children, while we in the modern world treat childbirth as though it was no big deal? There are undoubtedly multiple reasons for this situation—an over-emphasis on career, materialism, the cost children impose on a couple all play a part in our decision. However, I can’t shake the thought that biblical illiteracy plays a major part in the situation presenting itself in contemporary western family life. Well, that and the fact that children might cramp our style. And the primary reason children might cramp our style is that our style is sub-Christian.
At the root of our disobedience is an unconfessed love of self. We love being liked by those of this dying world more than we seek to honour Him Whom we call Lord. We want to be in control of our own destiny rather than depending upon being guided by the unseen hand of the Risen Saviour. It is difficult to admit, but we aren’t certain that we want One to be Master of our life if it means giving up control over our personal decisions, especially decisions that have an impact on our immediate pleasure. And yet, we are unable to escape the disturbing question that challenges each one who professes Christ to be their Lord, “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you” [LUKE 6:46]?
BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY — “God said to [the first couple], ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’” The earth was new, and though populated with the beasts that God had created, humans still had not populated the earth. The Lord God was careful to instruct Adam and Eve in the responsibility that rested on them to populate the earth.
I am aware that some would point out the obvious that when the world was new, people would face a different world than that which we face in this day. I’m what one theologian once identified as a “naïve literalist.” While engaged in conversation with the academic dean of a school that was attempting to recruit me to serve as a professor, that academic dean began to ridicule what he identified as “naïve literalists,” benighted souls who though trained in the sciences believed the Genesis account should be understood literally. Upon hearing his slighting remark, I responded, “I’m a naïve literalist." The poor gentleman nearly choked as he attempted to retreat from the ridicule he had just unleashed against what he felt were inferior beings bereft of his insight.