
Be Faithful

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
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Encourage believers to build each other up, pray, and show mercy to others, as we remember God's forgiveness and love in our own lives.


Good morning, my brothers and sisters! It's a joy to be gathered together in the Lord's house today as we dive into His Word and learn how to be faithful in building each other up, praying, and showing mercy.

I'm reminded of a quote by C.S. Lewis who said, "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." Let's keep that thought in mind as we explore today's Scripture passage from Jude 17-24:

Be Faithful in Building Each Other Up

In today's passage, Jude urges us to be faithful in building each other up. This is crucial, as it not only strengthens our own faith but also encourages and supports our brothers and sisters in Christ. The concept of building each other up is multifaceted, encompassing various aspects such as encouragement, edification, and accountability.

Let’s start with encouragement. As believers, we are called to uplift one another, offering words of comfort and hope in times of need. This can be as simple as offering a listening ear, a kind word, or a prayer for someone who is struggling. By doing so, we not only help to alleviate their burdens but also remind them of God's love and faithfulness.

Encouragement is not limited to times of struggle, however. We should also celebrate the victories and accomplishments of our fellow believers, rejoicing with them and praising God for His work in their lives. In this way, we foster a sense of unity and camaraderie within the body of Christ, spurring one another on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).

Now, second, let’s move on to edification. This involves teaching, instructing, and admonishing one another in the truths of God's Word. As believers, we are called to grow in our knowledge and understanding of Scripture, so that we may be equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). This growth is not meant to be a solitary endeavor, however. We are to share our insights and revelations with one another, helping our fellow believers to mature in their faith as well.

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Accountability is another crucial aspect of building each other up. As believers, we are called to hold one another accountable for our actions and decisions, ensuring that we are living in a manner worthy of the Gospel. This can be a challenging and uncomfortable process, as it requires us to confront sin and address areas of weakness in our lives. However, it is an essential part of our spiritual growth, as it helps us to identify and overcome the obstacles that hinder our walk with Christ.

In addition to these aspects, building each other up also involves bearing one another's burdens (Galatians 6:2). This means that we are to come alongside our fellow believers, offering support and assistance in times of need. This can take many forms, such as providing financial aid, offering practical help, or simply being present during difficult times. By bearing one another's burdens, we not only lighten the load for our brothers and sisters in Christ but also demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus, who bore our sins and sorrows on the cross.

Furthermore, building each other up requires us to be intentional in our relationships with one another. This means that we must actively seek out opportunities to connect with our fellow believers, engaging in meaningful conversations and sharing our lives with one another. This can be challenging in our fast-paced, individualistic society, where it is all too easy to become isolated and disconnected from others. However, it is essential for our spiritual growth and well-being, as it helps to foster a sense of belonging and community within the body of Christ.

Building each other up also involves praying for one another. Prayer is a powerful tool that can bring about change and transformation in the lives of our fellow believers. By lifting one another up in prayer, we not only intercede on their behalf but also demonstrate our love and concern for their well-being. Furthermore, praying for one another helps to deepen our own relationship with God, as it draws us closer to His heart and aligns our desires with His will.

Finally, building each other up requires us to be sensitive to the needs and struggles of our fellow believers. This means that we must cultivate a spirit of discernment, recognizing when someone is in need of encouragement, edification, or accountability. By being attuned to the needs of others, we can offer timely and appropriate support, helping to strengthen their faith and draw them closer to Christ.

Be Faithful in Praying

In the passage from Jude, we are encouraged to be faithful in praying as a means of keeping ourselves in God's love ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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