
Summary: Be faithful in light of Jesus' return.

Be Faithful!

Matthew 25:14-30

I. Distribution to the Servants (14-18)

A. Investment by the Master

1. According to ability

2. According to Master’s discretion

B. Investment by the Servants

1. 1st Two invested wisely

a. Always a risk involved in investment

b. Implies a life lived by Faith

c. Does not excuse blind presumption

2. The last did not invest

a. Was not willing to take the risk

b. Absence of Faith

II. Deliberation about their Stewardship (19-27)

A. 1st Two lived up to their potential

1. Wise investment brought double profit

2. Earned their Master’s trust

3. Were given even greater responsibilities

B. The last showed a lack of respect for his Master

1. Selfish fear

a. Afraid of what the Master would do

b. Misunderstood the motive of the Master

2. Self-serving attitude

a. Looking out for own skin

b. Not risking himself for another

III. Declaration of their Sentence (28-30)

A. Responsibility shall be given to another

B. Removed from the place of blessing

C. Remorse over lost opportunity

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