Be An Encourager
Contributed by Derrick Thompson, Sr. on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We all need encouragement; we all need a coach to tell us, child you can make it; just hold on a little longer; don’t give up; it’s going to be alright.
November 16th, 2003
Let us pray
If you missed Bible Class last Wednesday, you missed a blessing. By the way, no one
called me to say they could not make it, so it might have been because it was windy, and
maybe you had no lights. Bro. Holloway’s topic was, "Don’t brag - it wasn’t you." Last
Sunday Bro. Jones spoke on Spiritual Growth, and that was a blessing. If you are not
growing spiritually, who do you blame? Do you blame the pastor? Do you blame the
minister? Do you blame the church? or do you say, it might be me. That’s something to
think about....
With God’s help, I would like to en-courage all of you. It is so very easy to put people
down. It is so very easy to walk all over people. It’s so very easy when some-one is down,
to want to see them stay down, even though they are trying to get up before the count of
ten. My to-pic for to-day is, Be an en-courager. The word en-courage means, to give
courage or con-fi-dence; to ad-vise and make it easy for some-one to do some-thing;
be some-body’s coach. That baseball player when he is not doing well, he needs a coach
to en-courage him that he can do better. We all need en-courage-ment; we all need a
coach to tell us, child you can make it; just hold on a little longer; don’t you give up; it’s
going to be alright. I want some-body to know today, if God is guiding you, every-thing
is going to be alright.....elaborate...
Please turn with me in your bi-bles to 2 Timothy 1 verses 1
through 7. Let’s all stand and read together. Please tell some-one, hold on a little longer.
In our text for today, I believe the apostle Paul was an en-courager to his son Timothy in
the faith. This Epistle or letter which has been well described as "the last will and tes-ta-
ment," of the apostle, "written as it was under the very shadow of death, opens with a
touching evidence of personal interest in Timothy. The text starts off by saying, "Paul an
apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God." Paul was made an apostle not by the will of
man, not by his own will, but by the will of God, he was a chosen vessel of God. Paul was
out there destroying God’s people when God chose him. Paul was not thinking about God,
but God was thinking about him, and God chose him.................elaborate...we too were
out there living our own way, but God chose us......
The design of his apostleship was "according to the promise of life which is in Christ
Jesus." Its design was to make known this promise, a promise which was life eternal,
promised in Christ Jesus before the world began.
This letter was addressed to Timothy whom he calls his dearly beloved son. Paul loved
Timothy, he was Paul’s son in the faith, and when he speaks to Timothy there is a warmth
of loving affection in his voice, my beloved child; my dearly beloved son. Most men
don’t really show love in the things they say, they are very cautious in the words they use,
but here we find Paul calling Timothy is dearly beloved son, and goes on to say, " grace,
mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord." This was an ex-tra-or-
din-ary greeting from Paul, but I am sure it was a greeting that would enourage Timothy.
Some-body to-day need to hear a kind word from you; some-body needs to hear an
uplifting word from you, so be an en-courager........elaborate.....
In verse 3 of our text, Paul is thanking God for the love and re-mem-brance of Timothy’s
faith (read verse 3) Paul was saying, Timothy as I re-mem-ber you, as I think about you,
night and day I am taking the time to pray for you. You can’t pray for some-one if you
don’t love them, but here we find Paul was praying for Timothy whom he loved as his dear
son....elaborate.....How much time do you spend praying for others? Paul was
encouraging Timothy and wanted him to know that he was taking the time to pray for
him. We say it so very easily, I am praying for you, but is that always true?..........
In verse 4 of our text. Paul is saying to Timothy, I am longing to see you. There was a
longing in Paul’s heart to see his son Timothy in the faith. Some-how he re-mem-bered
Timothy’s sorrow at their last parting. He had commanded Timothy before to stay in
Ephesus, but now he desired to see him, because he is alone in prison. Timothy was sorry
to part with Paul, he wept at parting, and therefore Paul desired to see him again, because