Be A Lifemaker
Contributed by Terry Frazier on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus is someone who makes people's days and also makes people's lives. He uses believers to do these things and we can be Daymakers and Lifemakers for those around us too. We need to get back to the basics of being good and kind to people.
Be A Lifemaker
Last Thursday night at the company where Diane works (Turner Machine Co.) they had an open house for employees and their spouses to talk about the state of the company and where they were headed in the near future. And one of the things that Jeff Turner ( the owner of the company) talked about was a book that he had read that’s called “Life As A Daymaker”. The premise of the book is to inspire us a people to be kind to one another and do things that will make someone’s day. That could mean anything from something huge to something as small as a smile or a kind word.
Now, for me it seems like we shouldn’t have to have books written about how to be kind and nice to people and have seminars on this but apparently as a society we seem to have strayed away from the simple basics of human kindness.
How many of you here today have said these words “You just made my day!” Sometimes the littlest things will get us to say that phrase. A helping hand, a visit from a friend, word of support from a spouse, a phone call or a card will get these words to come out of our mouths. And these things make us smile. There is a saying that says that a smile will increase your face value and that’s true enough but that same smile can also make someone’s day too.
It’s also biblical to be a Daymaker. In the Book of Galatians chapter 6 verses 9&10 we read this: 9 Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. 10 So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.
So even if the world and American society both fall away from treating people with respect, kindness, and goodwill it’s plain here that the Apostle Paul is telling us not to follow their leads. We are not to lose heart in doing good. But what does that really mean to us today? Let me ask you a question, have you ever said or thought these words or some very much like them, “why should I be nice to other people when they don’t treat me well?” In our flesh these are the words and thoughts that we have even if we don’t want to admit it.
Verse 9 tells us to not lose heart or grow weary in doing good. Why? Because if we keep doing what we’re supposed to be doing, what the Word of God tells us that we should be doing, then we will reap something or some things. What could we possibly reap from not growing weary in doing good and not losing heart in treating people with kindness and goodness? The Bible tells us that we reap what we sow right? In Galatians chapter 6 verse 7 we read this: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap”
These words, for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap are both a warning and an encouragement. Which one you get depends on what you’re sowing doesn’t it?
If you’re sowing from the flesh or as it applies to this message, if you are not being good and kind to your fellow human being then guess what you will reap at a later time and in a greater amount than you have sown? Exactly what you have sown or invested in the people around you. If you sow meanness and ill will then you will reap meanness and ill will in due time too. You can’t expect to plant a crop of mean spiritedness and expect God to give you a reaping of His blessings can you?
The reason that I say that it will be more than you sowed is because of how sowing works. When a farmer plants a crop he plants one seed to grow one plant right? But what if that plant only produced one seed or one kernel of grain? What would be the point of planting the crop? What really happens is that from that one seed comes many, many seeds and kernels of grain. The same is true about what we sow in others.
The encouragement part works exactly the same way just in a good way. If you sow goodness and kindness in the people around you then in due time you will reap God’s blessings and people will remember how nice you were to them and be nice back to you and hopefully they will learn to be good and kind to other people as well. And in the process you will have undoubtedly been a Daymaker for a lot of people.