
Summary: A look at Romans 6 and how it pertains to politics

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Christian Unity in Politics

Romans 6:1-8

October 20, 2024

We’re a mere 16 days away from the most important election in the history of the world. You’ve probably heard that before. Most likely it was 4 years ago. And it was 4 years before that.

I believe every election is important. Prognosticators talk about the importance of the presidential election. Because usually, depending upon whether it’s a republican or democrat, they can predict the upcoming super bowl champion. I mean, I want to know who’s going to win the super bowl. The Bears?!

Somehow, they say they can also predict the economic impact and more.

Well, for the next 3 weeks . . . . we’re going to talk politics. I know!! I know! You wish it could have been 4 weeks! Can I hear a collective groan?!

Quite awhile ago, I was reading what another pastor wrote . . . . a pastor from Illinois, Gerald Hiestand. I’m going to be using the basis of his work for the next 2 weeks.

What I found fascinating and intriguing is how he looks at conservatives and liberals. In our world, those are nasty expressions for most people. But I could resonate with some of the thinking.

I’m not going to tell you who to vote for, and these messages may not even influence you, most likely they won’t. There’s really not going to be a call to action, other than a call to better understand your brother or sister in Christ, who views politics differently than you do. And when we do that, it leads to greater unity in the church.

Some of what I say will be generalizations. I will be stereotyping. We don’t always like that, but listen with an open mind.

Finally, I’m glad we had pastor appreciation last week, along with a great meal. Just joking! So, let’s dive in to politics.

The ultimate goal in the next couple of messages is Christian unity. During the political season, it’s easy to get really riled up. So, get riled up! That’s fine! But not at your brother or sister who sees it differently. Listen and have civil discussions. Allow yourself to be stretched. You don’t have to change your beliefs. But listen and understand someone else’s heart.

More churches are becoming disunified because of politics than theology, and that is sad!

Christian unity is important; and so in the spirit of Christian unity, we do our best to love those we disagree with. After all, Jesus calls us to love sinful people.

Don't forget that all of us are sinners in desperate need of the love of Christ. And in the same way that good Christ-followers choose to graciously love other sinners and those we feel are difficult to love.

The FBC democrats ought to CHOOSE to love the ones who vote republican even though they believe it is wrong. And the FBC republicans ought to CHOOSE love the ones who vote democrat even though they believe it is wrong.

But the gospel actually gives us more resources for living together in unity than merely tolerating each other’s political immorality. I want us to look at the words from Paul in Romans 6. Paul is talking about baptism and I’m going to use this to help us see one another in the midst of our political diversity.

We struggle to understand how another believer could vote, even to trust in someone like them. I want you to consider the possibility that just maybe there are good Christian folks who have very similar Christian values that you do, and who want to see Christianity flourish in exactly the same ways you do, but for Christian reasons, are choosing to vote in a different direction.

After 2 weeks, if you’re still convinced the other side is politically immoral, then you can go back to loving them as a bunch of misguided sinners.

We’re going to start by looking at 2 gospel truths that we see in baptism, in Romans 6.

And we’re going to use that as a springboard to better understand one another in the midst of our political diversity.

Romans 6 is a powerful chapter with lots of baptism symbolism. Let’s see what Paul was saying to us - - - -

1 What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound?

2 By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?

Paul starts with a leading question. Should we keep sinning, so that we can receive even more grace. It’s thinking the more I sin, the more grace I will receive, so keep on sinning.

It’s a rhetorical question, that Paul quickly answered. ABSOLUTELY NOT! That’s crazy thinking!!

So, Paul asks us a counter question to explain why, which leads us into baptism. He asked - - - -

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