
Summary: We cannot prevent the inevitable. This lesson will show you how to stop the merry go round of worry.

Most of us try to stay out of harms way. A lot of us also try to avoid conflict. We like to take the road of least resistance. Now we do that for a number of reasons. We want our life to be easier than it is now. Why make things worse? So we try to back off from people and things. We try to insulate ourselves from the inevitable. I say inevitable because no matter how hard you try to protect your “Stuff” things will still come.

1 Peter 4:12,13 “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed.”

We are told to not be surprised when bad things happen. Why? Because bad things happen!!!!! So why are we surprised when tragedy comes to our doorstep? Sickness, accidents, loss of a job, and loss of a loved one we can view as very painful. But you see God’s glory is not revealed when we have everything we want. God’s glory is revealed when we are in the bottom of the pit with no where to look but up. If you want to life a life for the Glory of God then stop trying to insulate yourself from the world. When we worry and try to do things to protect ourselves we are distrusting Jesus.

Now listen to me very carefully.

“There will always be something in your life that needs work or that is considered out of control.”

If we had everything we needed in reality we would not need God. God knows us and loves us enough to always keep us busy. Have you ever felt that when you get to ___________ or get this done then things will be all right? Now you know that when you get to that place something else has taken that place of worry. So “Dear friend, do not be surprised”. Stop asking “Why” when bad things come and instead ask how you can glorify God in the process. When we can stop thinking that this world revolves around us then we have a chance to make a difference for God’s Kingdom. Most of the time we are only concerned with our little kingdom. We do let anyone in and try to make life easy.

Can you stop trying to insulate yourself? God has already put into the world what He has destined for you. You cannot change what God is doing. So QUIT WORRYING. Quit trying to get in God’s way. It will just take longer for things to get done when you try to prevent things from happening.

I know you want peace and joy in your life. The ONLY way to get that is to let go of life and CLING tightly to Jesus. If you are having a tough time with worry please pray this prayer with me.

“Lord please forgive me for not trusting you. Please increase my faith so I see you as a loving Father who desires the best for me. Please help me to stop letting the devil get a foothold in my life. Lord please protect my mind where the battle rages. I desire to have a storing faith but I don’t know how to get there. Please let me to allow you to love me Jesus. Please help me to stop putting up all the walls of security that I have put up and tear them down. I want to stop living a life for me and to live a life for You and You alone. I know when I can do that then joy when flood my soul and I will finally live with purpose. Lord please come into my life and show me the way.” Amen.

Don’t worry about tomorrow and don’t even worry about today. All you have to know is that God KNOWS. He is not out to harm you but to love you. Just open your heart, let go and allow the God of the universe in. It is your choice!

Have a great day today.


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