
Summary: This is the 6th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Babylon".

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Series: Biblical Cities- Babylon [#6]


Psalm 137:1


We are continuing in our study of Babylon. The city is the 2nd on the list of most mentions. Babylon is mentioned 286 times in the Bible. It means “the gate of god(s).

Psalm 137:1

Tonight, we are going to look at Daniel and see how the Babylonians tried to reprogram the brightest and best from Israel. “If you can’t take the heat, then…”? That’s right, “Then get out of the kitchen”. How do you handle things when life gets tough? How is your faith in God? Do you believe that God can do the impossible? Do you trust God has it, although it doesn’t look like it, sound like it, etc…?

How do we get the type of faith that if something is in our way, keeping us from where we are going; that we simply say move and it moves? How is our faith strengthened? Our faith is strengthened through testing. It is easy to have faith in God when everything is going well, but what about when it’s not? By the way, God doesn’t test us; but He does allow us to be tested. The enemy loves to try to make us fall.

When you are tested, you must choose whether to have the victory or be a victim of the devil. This evening, through the life of Daniel, we are going to look at some of the types of test we have to go through and the choices we can make.

Daniel 1:1-4

The enemy tests you when you are…

1. Isolated.

When a lion is hunting, he patiently watches and maneuvers himself around until the prey is isolated from the rest of the group. When the devil sees that we are separated from our Christian family, he will attack. Daniel had been separated from his family, his city, his place of worship, etc… How has the enemy isolated you? Do you feel like you are all alone, that you have been abandoned? Have you been knocked out of your comfort zone?

You have a choice to make.

* You can understand that everyone must go through tests, and it is out of our control.


* You can mope, cry, blame others, quit, etc…

Daniel 1:4-5

The enemy tests you through…

2. Indoctrination.

Nebuchadnezzar wanted these bright young men to be isolated from what they had known, and then he wanted life as they knew it to be changed. We must notice that this was done over a long period of time. They were to be changed over a 3 year period in a very enticing way. Instead of being taught Scripture, they were taught stories about Babylonian history and folk-lore. They were taught about the gods and ways of the Babylonians. They were taught the language of the Babylonians.

Do you know how to boil a frog?

* Take a large pot and fill it with luke-warm water.

* Place the large pot on the stove top and place the frog in the pot.

* Slowly turn up the heat on the stove every couple of minutes.

* Continue to turn up the heat until the frog is boiled.

That is what the enemy does. He just slowly teaches us the ways of the world. The more and more of the worlds’ teachings we grow accustomed to, the more and more we forget about God’s teaching.

You have a choice to make.

* You can remember that the Word of God has final authority and stand up for the Truth.


* You can give in through not seeking the truth, by claiming ignorance, and by staying quiet.

Daniel 1:5

The enemy tests you through…

3. Compromise.

Not only did King Nebuchadnezzar want their minds changed, but he wanted their behavior changed. He changed everything as they knew it. He changed how they dressed, what they ate, how they lived, etc… The enemy slowly changes what we except, doesn’t he?

See if some of these examples hit home.

* The way you dress. Do you wear revealing clothing? Do you wear shirts that have ungodly sayings on them? Do you wear your clothes to fit properly?

* The things you look at? What do you watch on T.V. or at the movies? What do you listen to on your radio? What magazines do you read? What do you do on the internet?

* The places you go?

Look at how Daniel handled these choices.

Daniel 1:8-21

You have a choice to make.

* You can be determined to not compromise…


* You can just take the attitude, “If you can’t beat them, join them.

Daniel 1:6-7

The enemy tests you through…

4. Confusion.

One of the most significant changes King Nebuchadnezzar made in these young men’s lives was their names. He gave them new names that represented Babylonian gods. He wanted to confuse them of their identity.

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