
Summary: This is the 3rd Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Babylon".

Series: Biblical Cities- Babylon [#3]


Psalm 137:1


We are continuing in our study of Babylon. The city is the 2nd on the list of most mentions. Babylon is mentioned 286 times in the Bible. It means “the gate of god(s).

Psalm 137:1

Parents, how many times a week have you said to your children, “That’s enough”? What do these 2 words really mean? I’m tired of your fighting, your disobedience, and your overall bad attitude. At my house these 2 words were generally followed up with punishment. This was the case with the Kingdom of Judah.

The Babylonians began to be a problem after King Hezekiah showed them the entire Kingdom. Isaiah prophesied that there would be a day when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians and that those who were not killed would be taken away as captives. When Manasseh, (Hezekiah’s son) became King, he sinned against God.

2 Chronicles 33:10-13

Years later, Manasseh’s grandson Josiah became King at age 8. Josiah led Judah to a time of obedience and faithfulness to God. After Josiah died, the Kingdom of Judah followed after other gods and became God’s enemy.

2 Chronicles 36:15

1. God’s patience.

God sent Prophets to preach warning and repentance. God blessed the Kingdom of Judah every time they would repent. It grieved God to watch His people continually rebel. Today is no different. God has sent Preachers, Teachers, and Evangelists to proclaim the need for Christ and repentance. God has blessed us time and time again when we are repentant, although it never seems to last. It hurts God to watch His children, and His creation continually rebel. For now, God is holding back His great wrath. Why? He is waiting for that last soul to be saved.

2 Chronicles 36:16-21

2. God’s punishment.

God said, “That’s it”. The people lost their freedom. Their very symbol of God’s presence, the Temple, was destroyed. God gave them a lot of time and several Kings to get it right; but they did not.

While Jehoikim was the King, Nebuchadnezzar invaded the land of Judah and placed Jehoikim under him. After 3 years, Jehoikim rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar and was taken to Babylon. Then Jehoikim’s son, Jehoichin was just as evil; and he was taken by Nebuchadnezzar as a prisoner to Babylon. At this time, the Babylonians took everything of value from the Temple. After Jehoichin, Nebuchadnezzar appointed Jehoichin’s uncle, Mattaniah to be the King. His name was changed to Zedekiah. In time, Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar and he marched against Jerusalem. Jerusalem was under siege for 2 years; and famine began to take over. They tried to sneak away; but were caught. Zedekiah watched all of his sons be killed; and then his eyes were poked out and he was taken away to Babylon. At this point, Jerusalem was destroyed and almost all who lived were taken into captivity.

There will be a day when no one knows that God will send Jesus to bring His children home. There will then be a peace treaty made between the Antichrist and Israel; which will begin 7 years of Tribulation. God’s wrath will be poured out upon this earth. After the Tribulation, Christ will be victorious at the Battle of Armageddon and will reign as King for 1,000 years. During this time, Satan will be bound; but after the Millennial reign, Satan will be loosed for 1 last time. Christ will be victorious and Satan and any who followed him, (which is any that did not receive Christ as Savior), will be cast into the Lake of Fire. God will destroy the 1st Heaven and the 1st Earth.

2 Chronicles 36:22-23

3. God’s promise.

As God had promised David many years before, “Your house and your Kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever” (2 Samuel 7:16). Although God severely punished the Kingdom of Judah, He never stopped loving them. He once again was going to show His presence to the people.

God has made a promise to us also. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). God will destroy this world as we know it, but He will never stop loving us. God will place His children with Him for all eternity.


Are you here today having never repented of your sins and confessed Jesus as your Savior and Lord. If not, don’t wait until time is up. Christians, we must get serious. Time is short. When should we get started? Now.

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