
Summary: The Church has the best intelligence in the world, through the Word of God. We know everything and it is perfect! Yet as Jesus says only those who have an ear, can hear what the Spirit is saying.

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AWAKE OH WATCHMEN.... Luke 21:36 But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

The attack by Hamas on Israel was a prophetic picture of the state of the Church right now. Israel is constantly aware she may be attacked by various groups for decades! Yet although they knew this was coming, they never picked it up. With the most sophisticated intelligence and surveillance monitoring they never knew.

The Church has the best intelligence in the world, through the Word of God. We know everything and it is perfect! Yet as Jesus says only those who have an ear, can hear what the Spirit is saying. That is the Church today carrying on with life with no thought of the Last Days, taking the signs all around us without any seriousness, concentrating on ourselves instead of God. It reminds me of Noah and the Ark..... Noah preached righteousness, he warned a great flood was coming, people heard it and never responded until it was too late. Jesus warned us about US, in Matthew 24 He said as it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it be in these last Days. Jesus warned the Church of Laodicea in Rev 3, that they were lukewarm, that is the 7th Church written, the number 7 is completeness, it represents the Church today! Laodicea from the Greek means "Rights of The People". I'll let you draw your own conclusions on that!

So, let me get back to the Word, God has given me, Where are the Watchmen on the Wall? Are you sleeping, Wake up, sound the alarm in your congregations, this is Life OR Death....

What Is the Biblical Context of the Watchman on the Wall?

The biblical context of the watchman on the wall in Ezekiel 3:17 is found within the larger narrative of the prophet Ezekiel's call and commission to deliver God's messages to the people of Israel.

This metaphorical imagery of the watchman serves as a powerful and symbolic representation of Ezekiel's role as a spiritual guardian and messenger, with significant lessons for both the prophet and the broader audience.

In Ezekiel 3:17-21, God appoints Ezekiel as a watchman over the house of Israel, charging him with the responsibility to warn the people of their sinful ways and the impending consequences if they do not repent.

The watchman metaphor draws upon the ancient practice of placing sentinels on the walls of cities to sound alarms and alert inhabitants of approaching danger. Similarly, Ezekiel is tasked with sounding the spiritual alarm, calling the people to turn from their wickedness and return to God.

Ezekiel begins his prophetic ministry at the beginning of the tragic Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem. Due to the sins of the people of Judah and Jerusalem, God had given the people over to a foreign king and nation, Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon.

Ezekiel is both a priest and prophet and speaks primarily to the captives in Babylon. Ezekiel’s name means “God strengthens” or “strengthened by God.”

Ezekiel’s ministry overlaps with the end of Jeremiah’s ministry and the beginning of Daniel.

In chapter 3, God declares the call of Ezekiel as a watchman over the house of Israel. God continues to explain what the call entails, primarily speaking the words Yahweh gives Ezekiel to say.

If Ezekiel doesn’t give the message of God, then the blood of further judgment on the wicked will be on the prophet’s hands. However, once Ezekiel gives the message, then the hearers are responsible for their own decision and response.

Ezekiel gives many warnings of destruction and messages of hope concerning God’s coming restoration, including one of the famous declarations of the coming New Covenant (Ezekiel 36:26).

Therefore, from this passage, the main role of a watchman is to give the prophetic Word of God to the people God sends Ezekiel to. At the same time, the idea of a watchman has several different levels from ancient history.

What Was the Ancient Role of a Watchman on the Wall?

In ancient times, the role of a watchman on the wall held great significance and was vital for the safety and security of cities and settlements.

The watchman served as a sentinel, stationed on high vantage points such as city walls or towers, to observe and alert the inhabitants of any approaching danger, whether it be enemy forces, natural disasters, or other potential threats.

The ancient role of a watchman on the wall encompassed several key responsibilities that contributed to the overall protection and well-being of the community.

The primary duty of a watchman was to function as an early warning system. Positioned at an elevated point, the watchman had a clear view of the surrounding landscape, including roads, approaching armies, and potential dangers.

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