
Summary: Christianity is the real thing

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Intro: in the midst of great personal tragedies and conflict, it is recorded that John the Baptist had a faith lapse. He asks, are you he, or should we look for another? After ministering to the multitudes and declaring Jesus to be the Christ, he wondered if he had really found the answer. I guess somewhere in many people’s lives the devil will come to them with doubt, fears and unbelief. He will question is this walk the right path, are you sure about your beliefs. So tonight I would like to certify our position as Christians as authentic. And give the reason for the hope within us in simple terms.

The Authenticity of Christianity

We will give scriptures and practical thought tonight on why living this Christian life is real, the right way, authentic, and of supernatural origin.

1. the reality of the Word of God as true—I Timothy 3:16-17

The first place we will visit tonight on our journey through the authenticity of Christianity is with our Bibles as the Word of God. That it declares itself to be inspired by God, and gives us the beginning of time to the end.

a. uniformity of the scriptures—66 books, written over thousands of years in different places, cultures, by different writers and still there is a uniformity that even the greatest atheists who have tried to prove it as a non-valid document, have never proven contradictions, never proven fabrications, never found any historical proofs that would be contrary to what the Word of God says.

b. Hebrews 4:12—I have never met any sincere person who had read the word of God that hasn’t felt supernatural origin. It makes you cry, it shows you your life in detail, it explains your heart, thoughts, motives. It convicts you of sin, and convinces you that Jesus Christ is Lord.

c. Effectiveness of preached word—millions have given their lives to Jesus through the preached word. Miracles, Healings, Deliverances all show the power of God’s Word.

2. The Name of Jesus—the next topic for discussion on why Christianity is authentic, is the name of Jesus.

a. there is something about that name—you can say any other name and it may evoke warm feelings. But only at the name of Jesus do you see people moved to great emotion. The name that is higher than any other name, at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. There is no other name by which we must be saved.

b. Supernatural in ability—there are thousands of stories that could be told tonight how people have prayed in the name of Jesus in this congregation, and immediately God moved with a healing, a miracle, a powerful change or a blessing that came through praying in the name of Jesus.

3. Anti-Semitic and Anti-Christian hatred—the next proof of the reality of Christianity being authentic is universal hatred toward Israel, and Christianity. Jesus said, you will be hated by all men.

a. The Devil and Demonic activity in this world is constantly fighting against everything Christian. It isn’t just a natural objection, but a supernatural hatred toward those things holy and righteous.

b. Banning prayer in school, burning bibles around the world, blocking Christian missions, the great amount of martyrdom in the world today, are all signs that this walk with Jesus Christ is real. If it wasn’t real, if it was just a religious organization, then there wouldn’t be this immense persecution of believers around the world.

4. Fulfillment of Prophecy—it would take to long to go over each individual prophecy in scripture that has come to pass in our world, but fulfillment of prophecy is undeniable, we will name a few that could never be disproven.

a. the accuracy of prophecies concerning the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Born in a manger, Born a Nazarene, Miracles, Death on a cross, etc.

b. Israel becoming a nation that wasn’t a nation in 1948—even to the religious skeptic, this is unexplainable, but prophesied.

c. Last day events—one world system of viewing a worldwide event, television. One world marking system, internet. No one buying or selling without a mark—credit card system and move to cashless societies. Eyes of the world on Jerusalem, Israel—middle east conflict. Perilous times like never seen in the history of mankind—terrorism. Signs in the sky—tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, even global warming prophesied.

5. Supernatural Change in Lives, and Absolute Commitment

The bible records many stories of men and women who came in contact with Jesus or the gospel of Jesus Christ that had an absolute change. It is also recorded throughout scripture, that it wasn’t just an emotional, one time event, but they were willing to suffer, be placed in jail and die as martyrs for the cause of Christ. This once again is a sign of the authenticity of Christianity.

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