
Summary: It does not matter who you are or what you have achieved through His name or how close you are to Him or how many people can testify of your relationship with Him, Luke 8:19-21 says you are not a bonafide member of His family until you make His words your

Christians are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people and a holy nation. We are nationals of heaven. We are members of the family of God. These and many other clichés are what you hear often among Christians. In as much as these are true sayings and there is no denying of them, this piece is so put together to point us to some facts about those who are true joint-heirs with Christ in the kingdom of His Father.

Galatians 3:26-29 explains that the basic criterion to becoming a member of the family of God is faith in Christ Jesus. And it is this faith that qualifies us to be Abraham's seed and heirs to the promise. John 1:12 also lays credence to the fact that this faith in Jesus by anyone is what makes Him confer on the individual the power to become a child of God. So membership is by faith in Jesus Christ.

In addition to faith in Jesus Christ, Romans 8:14-17 posits that the only people who are qualified to be children of the Most High are those who have received the Spirit of adoption. Those who through the Spirit have crucified flesh and all its deeds. Those who are subject to the leadership of the Spirit. These set of believers are not just children of God but they are also joint-heirs with Christ in His glory because they also through the Spirit partake of His suffering. Gal 3:14 also affirms that this Spirit of adoption is consequent upon our faith in Christ.

In Luke 8:19-21, Jesus Christ declared to everyone in His congregation that there was one more crucial thing that qualified people to become members of the royal priesthood family. And this criterion is not just mere faith in Him or a long walk with Him. It is a faith that is backed up with work. James 2:17-20 explains further that our works must testify of our faith in Christ and when a discrepancy occurs, our faith is as good as nonexistent. What that implies is that we only become members of Jesus' family not when we confess Him as our Lord and hearing His words but when after believing on Him, we continue to hear His words and form a habit of doing those words. Faith comes through hearing the word of God but that faith is not an end in itself, there must be a fruit of it and that fruit is in doing the word.

There are therefore three principal criteria that qualify one to become joint-heir with Jesus in the clan of His Father and they are faith in Jesus, the Spirit of adoption and being a habitual doer of His words. Among the three, Matt 7:21-27 declares that doing His word is the greatest. It does not matter who you are or what you have achieved through His name or how close you are to Him or how many people can testify of your relationship with Him, Luke 8:19-21 says you are not a bonafide member of His family until you make His words your daily guide. If you must be accepted into the family or not be ousted out of the chosen generation, you must hide His word in your heart always. May the Almighty help you and I as we put in more effort in doing His words in Jesus name (Amen).

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