
Summary: A Good Turn Daily is easier said than done - make sure you take care of your fitness and prayerlife first. Create for yourself a daily personal victory, because we need tons of perishable wreaths to feel good.


- Shoe

- Goddess of victory

- well known to the people of Corinth

- A little odd for us at church, because typically we would prefer humbleness and such, Jesus teaching: many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.

- 1John 5:4 What does our faith give us overcoming the world? - Victory!


- Self-control in all things

- A-Rod: Steroids

- Michael Phelps: Pot

- Pressure to win a perishable wreath

- Isthmian Games every other year

- Marathon runners often reach the point where they wonder whether they can keep going. They hit the wall. They doubt they can finish the race. Their muscles burn with pain; their strength is gone. They feel defeated. As we run our Christian lives, we can reach that point too. Faced with our sin, we begin to doubt God’s forgiveness. "Will I really finish the race and receive the prize or are my sins too great?" Faced with the burning pains and troubles of life, we begin to doubt God’s love. "Why doesn’t God take this away from me?" We feel defeated. Is it really worth it?

- What is our imperishable wreath anyway?

- That our goals won’t matter in eternity


- Weight-loss

- Health

- Sexiness

- World records

- survival

- Gladiators

- make ends meet

- there is no short-cut

- Jesus once healed a guy by commanding him: "Stand up and take your mat and walk", now grab your cane or walker instead of sitting on your couch

- Daily exercise like one old lady

- Physical therapist like another lady

- airboxing: focus for our churches


- The BSA are a great organization

- Reciting the Scout Oath the Boys promise to keep themselves physically strong

- The Scout Law describes a Scout to be reverent

- Like the Boy Scouts everybody is in charge of keeping their bodies and souls in good shape

- a Good Turn Daily is easier said than done - make sure you take care of your fitness and prayerlife first

- create for yourself a daily personal victory, because we need tons of perishable wreaths to feel good

- one step at a time

- as of church: one excellent goal would be to invite at least one person every week to join you in worship

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