
Summary: What questions would you ask Jesus if He were here?

Ask Anything – John 14: 8 - 17

Intro: Take a moment this morning and think about what question or questions you would have for Jesus if he were here, in this place, this morning. Most pastors believe the members of their church look to them as someone who speaks for God. Many members struggle with questions: “Where is God? What is God like? What, if anything, is God doing? Why doesn’t God intervene in difficult circumstances? If there is a God, why is there so much evil in the world?”

I Individuals who discover you are an only child, immediately think you were spoiled and got everything you asked for. Some only children are not spoiled, they are just smart.

A A smart child often uses guilt to get what they want saying, “If you really love me, you will . . . ! Or, “All my friends have . . . and I know you don’t want their parents to think less of you.”

B VV 12 – 13 “Ask for anything in my name and I will do it, so the Son can bring glory to the Father.” This sounds like an “open checkbook” statement. Is Jesus really saying He will do whatever we ask or give us whatever we want?

C The key phrase here is “in my name.” Jesus says he will do, not simply what we ask, but whatever is comfortable and compatible with His character and His purpose. Now that we have cleared that up, we can move on to the more central theme of this passage.

II I believe every prayer is answered. Some are answered with, “Yes.” Others are answered with, “No.” While still others are answered with, “Not yet.” But, the majority are answered with, “you have got to be kidding!”

A The focus of most of our questions for God center around what will bring us comfort which we desperately seek. When senseless events happen such as the recent tragedy in Uvalde or the tragic war in Cameroon, we turn to God for understanding so that we will be comfortable knowing God is ultimately in control.

B Vs. 15 “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Jesus has turned the “if you love me” phrase on its head. Love is difficult for some people to give. It means setting aside a part of yourself. To love God, we must be obedient to the teachings of Jesus.

C Because Jesus knew that obedient love would be difficult for humanity and therefore He promised to not leave us alone.

III VS. 16 “I will ask my Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever.” At those times when we feel most alone, or abandoned, we must remember that we are not alone in our suffering, grief, or trouble.

A The word for Counselor is the GK. word pa?a?et?? / parakletos is often use to describe someone called to help in a court of law. In the Jewish tradition, “paraclete” came to be used for angels, prophets and the just. Yet, it is an interesting face that the word parakletos is found only here in the N.T.

B This word refers to someone called in / a character witness / an advisor. A COMFORTER or COUNSELOR enables us to be strong when we are weak.

C This is not just someone to take away the hurt, it is someone to share the pain with you, to help you carry the burden and give you the ability to cope in strength.

Concl: VS. 17 ”The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” People do not “know” because they don’t want to know or live as if there is no God, leaving God completely out of their lives. You and I are loved! It is simple: love God in return love to the one who loves us. Do as He commands and you will know.

An old gospel tune says it best, “Return to the one who loves you, return to the Savior who cares. He gives perfect peace, your burden He bears. Return to the Savior who cares.”

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