
Summary: Asa's one verse prayer consisting of 50 words teaches us valuable lessons about proper prayer.

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“Asa’s 50-Word Prayer”

2 Chronicles 14:2-12


Dr. Steven G. Cook

I. Introduction

A. Read Text - 2 Chron. 14:2-12

B. When we are overwhelmed by circumstances, and there seems no way out, what should we do?

C. In our text we learn about “Asa’s Prayer” during just such a time.

D. Asa was the 3rd King of Judah; the grandson of Solomon.

E. Abijah, his father, was a wicked king who had instituted idolatry.

F. When Asa took the throne, he did 3 particular things that ALL Believers should do:

G. The 1st thing that he did to “Cast Out Idols” (vss. 3; 5)

1. Tore down altars of idols

2. Broke images

3. Cut down groves

G. Secondly, Asa “Legislated Morality” (vss. 4) - Although one can not legislate righteousness, individuals & governments can legislate morality! Christians need to “Heed God’s Law” (Josh. 1:8) The USA needs men in government who will take a stand against immorality today!

1. Read - 2 Chron. 7:14

2. Humble, Pray, Seek, Turn - What America needs to do now.

3. Hear, Forgive, Heal - What God promises to do.

4. We need to get rid of liquor stores; porno; adult theaters; movies; music; etc. that is ungodly!

H. Thirdly, Asa Strengthened Judah’s Defenses (vss. 6-8)

1. Believers should “Put on the Whole Armor of God”

2. He increased their army to 5,800 men

3. He equipped them with spears & shields

4. He put walls & towers around the cities

5. Believers need to “Awake unto Righteousness”

6. Believers need to “Sin Not”

7. Believers need to “Put on the Whole Armor of God”

II. Attack Upon Asa (2 Chron. 14:9-10)

A. Just when things were going well in Judah (vs. 6), an attack came upon Asa and Judah.

B. We never know when Satan will attack us, so it is best to READY at all times.

C. Zerah, the Ethiopian, came upon Judah with One Million soldiers and 300 chariots.

D. Have YOU ever experienced a time when all seemed well only to find that Satan had other plans for YOUR day???

E. Illustration - Call to Preach! “Lord, if it be so, why am I thus?”

F. Asa again did the right thing - He called upon the Lord!

G. Prayer should not be “INCIDENTAL”; It should be “ESSENTIAL”!!

III. Asa’s 50-Word Prayer (2 Chron. 14:11)

A. Asa’s prayer was only 50 Words long - One Verse!

B. This was an occasion which called for action - The Enemy Was Upon Them - The FIGHT Had Begun!!

C. Often we find ourselves in the battle before we know what has happened - It is good that Asa was “Prayed Up” - He did not have time to pray, “O Lord, forgive me!”

D. Let us examine some important lessons taught in this short, but powerful prayer.

IV. Lesson #1 - Recognition of God’s Ability

A. “Lord, it is nothing with thee to help.”

B. It is good to know that God does not need our Abilities to defeat the enemies of our faith.

C. Asa had learned that there is “Nothing too hard for God”.

D. Examples -

1. Joshua’s march around walls of Jericho

2. Samson’s jawbone of an ass to defeat Philistines

3. Gideon’s clay jars & candles & shout

4. Hezekiah’s rumor of invading army

5. David’s sling

6. Jael’s tent peg through the head of Sisera

V. Lesson #2 - Recognition of Our Inability

A. “Whether with many, or with them that have no power”

B. Our human ability is not the determining factor in battle.

C. In the case of Gideon - God reduced his army from 32,000 to 300 in order that He might receive the glory.

D. In the case of Jonathan and his armor bearer, God used only two men to slay over 100 Philistines (1 Samuel 14)

E. The Word of God is filled with stories in which “God Sent a Man”, not because of the man’s abilities, but because of the man’s Availability!

VI. Lesson #3 - Specific Request of Prayer

A. “Help us, O Lord our God; for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude.”

B. Notice - Asa did not “Pray around the world!”

C. Too often people pray “to others rather than to God”.

D. Matt. 8:25 - “Lord, save us: we perish

E. What would you leave out???

F. Asa did not TELL God what to do - He left that up to God!

VII. Lesson #4 - Reminded God of Their Relationship

A. “O Lord, thou art OUR God”

B. As our Heavenly Father, God desires to hear our prayers.

C. Jer. 33:3

D. God enjoys our worship in PRAYER.

VIII. Lesson #5 - Request Victory Because of Relationship

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