
Summary: The Living Waters of Jesus

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Human Beings are largely composed of water.The orange juice or coffee you drank this morning was mostly water. The eggs or toast contains more water than we realize. Vegetables /fruits all contain water, even the air we breathe has high moisture content, (I wonder if we could really see ourselves with the exceptional eye, would we see essentially water residing in a body consisting of organized cells, organs, and bones.) About seventy percent of the earth's surface is covered by water. (On December 26, 2004 an enormous earthquake under the Indian Ocean caused a tsunami. A huge wave of water, thousands and thousands of people were killed. Can you imagine that?) Too much water can certainly kill people. On the other hand, if we do not get enough water to drink we will get thirsty and we will die.

There are more than physical needs in our lives. We also need peace and happiness; fulfillment and satisfaction; we need to be connected to others -like the song says, "We all need somebody to lean on." Even though someone may be alive physically, they may be dead emotionally, socially. What about our soul, spirit – the other parts of us.

Turn with me to:

John 7:37-39

On the last and most important day of the festival, Jesus was standing in the temple courtyard. He said loudly, "Whoever is thirsty must come to me to drink. As Scripture says, 'Streams of living water will flow from deep within the person who believes in me.” Jesus said this about the Spirit, whom his believers would receive. (The Spirit was not yet evident, as it would be after Jesus had been glorified.)

In John 4

We read of the Samaritan woman going to the well and the spoken exchange between Jesus and her. In verse 13 He says: “everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again, but whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will NEVER get thirsty again – EVER. In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up within him for eternal life” Water is mostly applied to the Spirit, (Heb 10:22,) He washes and cleanses us from the pollutions with water. Jesus came to give us new life, new minds why not new living water. Now it is called living water not because it is life giving but because it flows from a living fountain. Those who are dried up, thirsty can go and drink.

When we drink from the world, we will always be thirsty, always searching, always craving for more, the world only offers temporary satisfaction, it will not last. When we drink from Christ, WE WILL NEVER THIRST AGAIN, JESUS alone satisfies the longing of the heart. Jesus Himself said that from the innermost being, rivers of living waters will flow. “Innermost being” is literally, “belly.” The belly is the inner part of us that is always craving something. (Example: the craving for a chocolate, when eaten – happy, later you are craving something again). Or you are in the garden with a straw hat and gloves on, pulling out the weeds – sweat running like rivers down your back. All of a sudden your spouse comes out with a long tall glass of iced cool drink – how refreshing, oh relieve. As such our spirit yearns to be quenched as well.

Now it has been my experience and wonderings has there ever been a flowing abundant river of living water running out of me? (Could you imagine how strange that would be if it was meant literally.) If I were to be honest, there has been a trickle, some drought and dried up patches. However Jesus’ words give me HOPE, if my life does not match His description IT CAN! SO CAN YOURS! This is a promise from God to all who come to HIM and drinks: OUT OF YOUR INNERMOST BEING WILL FLOW RIVERS OF LIVING WATERS!

However because of sin in our lives and our measure of faith do we really believe that living waters are in us.

In John we learn that Jesus was FLESH, He is also the BREAD OF LIFE, HE IS GOD, SO WHY WOULD HE NOT GIVE US LIVING WATER. Are we able to make such a promise as human beings, we all need to come to Jesus and drink? Whether you grew up in a Christian home, orphanage or a church and maybe you are/ could be the sweetest person or a convicted criminal, this offer is for all of us.


The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" Let those who hear this say, "Come!" Let those who are thirsty come! Let those who want the water of life take it as a gift.

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Darin Elquist

commented on Apr 30, 2018

Well put, thank you!

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