
Summary: Are You Status Quo Oriented or Harvest Oriented? Criteria for being more harvest oriented in all aspects of your ministry outlook

Characteristics of Maintenance Minded People Characteristics of Harvest Oriented People (Matt 9:36-38) Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth workers into His harvest fields.

Illustration:How Do You Look at It?

A shoe manufacturer who decided to open the Congo market sent two salesmen to the undeveloped territory. One salesman cabled back: "Prospect here nil. No one wears shoes." The other salesman reported enthusiastically, "Market potential terrific! Everyone is barefooted." Look at the potential not the problems.

Source Unknown.

1. Mainly concerned about preserving what they have vs concerned about reproducing what they have for God is the Lord of the harvest"

2. Concerned about survival vs. concerned about growth in quality and quantity

3. Concerned about keeping things repaired vs. concerned about developing what one has

4. Concerned about upkeep vs. Concerned about improving on the way one operates

5. Concerned about building a wall for one’s protection and safety vs. Concerned about building bridges to help reach others for Jesus Christ

6. Concerned about one’s enemies and opponents vs. Concerned about the lost and those who are yet to enjoy the benefits of maturity in Christ

7. Concerned about the problems vs. Concerned about the opportunities

8. Concerned about the procedures vs. Concerned about God’s purposes and plans

9. Concerned about not offending anyone’s feelings vs. Concerned about doing God’s priorities

10. Concerned about keeping everyone feeling that they are unified and equally loved vs. Concerned about helping people developed their God given potential individually and corporately

11. Concerned about obeying the leaders vs. Concerned about obeying God

12. Concerned about keeping one’s job vs. Concerned about obeying God’s Spirit led directives

13. Concerned about not rocking the boat vs. Concerned about reaching the goal regardless of the rough waves

14. Concerned about appeasing those "squeaky wheels that complain about fairness." vs. Concerned about discipling faithful men who will teach others also

15. Concerned about equality so that no one can be accused of bias vs. Concerned about God’s essentials regardless of the objections raised by small minded people

16. Concerned about giving ambiguous answers to people so as not to upset the organizational peace vs. Concerned about giving all people an opportunity to be free to do all of God’s will

17. Concerned about delaying action until the main people are willing to cooperate vs. Concerned about moving ahead on God’s time table and in His processes

18. Concerned about remaining cool, calm, and collected so that one maintains stress free vs. Concerned about doing the will of God regardless of the cost

19. Concerned about protecting one’s assets vs. Concerned about maximizing the return on one’s investments for the greater glory of God

20. Concerned about stonewalling opposition to preserve one’s control vs. Concerned about progressing ahead with God’s purposes regardless of the outcomes

21. Concerned about consulting all authorities to make sure the big people are happy vs. concerned about accomplishing God’s will of planting and growing His church

22.Concerned about keeping to the rules, regulations and policies vs. Concerned about obeying God rather than men

23. Concerned about keeping one’s reputation spotless for the sake of future opportunities vs. concerned about God’s reputation more than one’s own reputation

24. Concerned about keeping an appearance as one who is a team player vs. Concerned about God’s judgments above any human assessment of one’s success

25. Concerned about squashing difficult people who cannot seem to fit into with the group vs. Concerned about maximizing the potential of every individual

26. Concerned about man’s interests vs. Concerned about God’s will and way and word

Conclusion;A young couple rented a vacation cottage for a week. One afternoon the husband looked out a window at the swimming pool and exclaimed, "Let’s change our clothes and go get some exercise!" His wife, who was washing the dishes in the kitchen and looking out the window watching some people play tennis, quickly agreed. While she dressed for a tennis match, he put on his swimming trunks. The window a person chooses to look out at the world often determines that individual’s perception of reality.

Lyle Schaller, Activating the Passive Church, p. 19.

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