
Are You Spiritually Alive or Dead?

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 26, 2023
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Encourages the church to rise, stirred by the Spirit of God, to bring hope and clarity in a world filled with fear and uncertainty.


Good morning, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, it is a joy and a privilege to stand before you all today, under the banner of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today, we gather here, not as mere spectators, but as active participants in the divine symphony that our Heavenly Father is orchestrating in our lives and in the life of this church.

Our hearts are open, our spirits are eager, and our minds are ready to receive the life-giving and life-transforming Word of God. We are here, not by chance, but by divine appointment. So, let us make the most of this God-given opportunity to grow in our faith and deepen our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, we turn our attention to a powerful passage in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 37, verses 1 and 2. Allow me to read it to you.

"The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry."

Stirring the Sleeping Churches

In the heart of the prophet Ezekiel's vision, we find ourselves in a valley filled with dry bones. These bones represent the people of God, who have fallen into a spiritual slumber. They are not physically dead, but spiritually, they are like dry bones. They have lost their vitality, their passion, and their zeal for the things of God. They are going through the motions of religion, but their hearts are far from God. They are asleep in their comfort zones, oblivious to the spiritual battle raging around them.

The condition of these sleeping churches: They are described as dry bones. Dryness speaks of a lack of life, a lack of moisture, a lack of the refreshing presence of the Spirit of God. These churches have become dry due to a lack of spiritual nourishment. They have neglected the Word of God, they have neglected prayer, and they have neglected fellowship with other believers. As a result, they have become spiritually malnourished and dry.

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The location of these sleeping churches: They are in a valley. A valley is a low place, a place of depression, a place of discouragement. These churches have allowed the trials and tribulations of life to bring them down. They have allowed the cares of this world to choke the Word of God in their lives. They have allowed the deceitfulness of riches and the desire for other things to distract them from their first love, Jesus Christ. As a result, they have found themselves in a spiritual valley, a place of low spiritual vitality and vigor.

The number of these sleeping churches: Ezekiel saw a great many bones. This suggests that the problem of spiritual slumber is not limited to a few churches. It is a widespread problem affecting many churches. It is a problem that is prevalent in our day and age. Many churches have become complacent and comfortable. They have lost their sense of urgency for the things of God. They have lost their passion for the lost. They have lost their desire for spiritual growth. They have become content with mediocrity and have settled for less than God's best.

The state of these sleeping churches: The bones were very dry. This suggests that these churches have been in a state of spiritual slumber for a long time. They have been in this state for so long that they have become very dry. They have become hardened and resistant to the things of God. They have become indifferent and apathetic. They have become lukewarm and have lost their spiritual fervor.

Stimulating Spiritual Growth in Jesus

We find ourselves now in the heart of the valley, surrounded by dry bones ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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