
Summary: Do you have determination and dedication to follow Jesus.

Are you on the Lords Team?

Hebrews 12:1-24

We can see dedication,determination,discipline ,desire.

We need to wake up stand up speak up.

Get busy be a winner finish strong.

Christ and you can be the winners.

(1) Dedication in here recommended Ver.1

Get your hindrances out of the way.

Leave your old habits.

Lend some one your help.

(2) Here is the divine rule. Ver.2

Faith in this contest.

Be familiar with the call.

Follow the captain.

(3) The determination reaffirmed. Ver.3

Grit to stay in the fight.

Grace to keep the faith.

Glory to shine till we finish.

(4) Have discipline required. Vers.5-6

Proper training.

The teaching needed.

Tactics planned

(5) Drive for reinforced Vers 12-13

Fresh starts

Firm stand

Full strength.

(6) A desire to regained. Vers 14-15

Purpose to win others

A working place in the Church.

Pray to walk circumspectly

(7) The double rewards. Vers. 22-24

Double your rewards

Divine interest worth more.

Dedicate you all to him.

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