
Summary: No pastor should abuse his authority, but neither should any member needlessly undermine the ministry by resisting his leadership when there is no sin or heresy involved.

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 13:7,17

DISCLAIMER: This sermon in no wise condones abuse of authority or indicate that pastors are infallible. However, a man known to be of good character correctly interpreting the Word should be given due consideration when he seeks to lead the congregation in some path.

Judges 6:1- 8:53

Proposition: You should submit to your pastor’s leadership.

I. Because God knows the state of His people! 6:1-10

A. He is aware of their sins! 1-6

B. He is ready to meet their needs! 7-10

II. Because He has prepared the pastor! 11-40

A. He has been tested and empowered! 11-35

B. He is sure of his call! 36-40

III. Because God has prepared the people! 7:1-8

A. He has removed the hindrances! 1-3

B. He has handpicked the remainder! 4-8

IV. Because God has prepared the enemy! 7:9-15

A. He has made known their weaknesses! 9-12

B. He has put fear in their hearts! 13-15

V. Because God has prepared the battle! 7:16-22

A. He has determined the tactics! 16-18

B. He ha determined the timing! 18-22

VI. Because He has prepare the brethren! 7:23-8:3

A. He has them in their place! 7:23-25

B. He has their arguments answered! 8:1-3

VII. Because Go has prepare the vengeance! 8:4-21

A. On the apathetic brethren! 4-9, 14-17

B. On the unmerciful enemy! 10-13, 18-21

VIII. Because God has prepared the reign! 8:22-35

A. The Lord will be glorified! 22,23

B. There will be a victory without warning! 24-35

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