
Summary: James 1:12

I. Are you going through something?

a. Do you feel like you are being tested?

b. Are you looking for someone to turn too?

c. Are you thinking why Am I going through this?


a. God will only test the ones that he loves with all of his heart.

b. When God test you, do not think of it as a bad thing, think of it as a great thing!

c. Test are only for a short time, the test will end but the outcome will last a lifetime.


a. When we go through a test it is for a reason, God will not give us a test without a reason.

b. The test that God gives us are meant to teach us and make us stronger.

c. God will not leave you during the test, he will stand by your side throughout the entire test!


a. You should pray throughout the entire test or trial that God has delivered to you.

b. You should thank God for the test that he has given you, not blame him.

c. You should be able to priase God for the test that you are going through, because you will come out with the victory in the end.

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