
Summary: I know you are aware of the problems in the world but are you aware of the power of God to beat those problems.

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Are you Aware?


As most of you already know we live in a time which rages dangerously close to the realm of hopeless. Media of every type is bent on sharing the bad news of our times. From war around the world to disaster on our coast we hear of the destruction of our kind. From new and uncontrollable disease to sounds of the gavels of divorce court judges across the land we are reminded of the vulnerability of our humanness.

It is logical and extremely common for us to become afraid for the well being of those we love and for ourselves. It is also commonplace to try to hide from reality because it is too painful for us to face. Being an inventive and resourceful we have risen to the challenge of developing a medicine by which we may become immune to our surroundings. From poisons to new and radical affiliations we long to find something that will hold us steady. We long for stability so much that we try to find it in all the wrong places.

Being an intelligent race created in the image of God it amazes me how we often overlook the key to our happiness. We act as if it is some great mystery that has been intentionally hidden from us. Sometimes I think we may even be to ashamed or even embarrassed that we often pass up relief that is so simple and so readily available.

Today I want to talk to you about finding that key to unlock your life so you can live to your fullest potential. Today I want to share with you a simple concept that we overlook in our quest for happiness. Today I wish to give you the true key to success and happiness. Today I wish to tell you about an unlimited power source that you can tap into.

I am aware.

I first of all want you to be certain that I am aware of some of the kinds of struggles you may face. While I, as a mere human, cannot know fully the specific pains in your life I know one who does. God is aware of your pain and He is aware of your helplessness.

I am aware some of you have trouble with…


-your marriage is on the rocks

-husband with a habit

-wife who gossips

-your baby who isn’t healthy

-your son who has rebelled

-your daughter who insists on seeking popularity

-your dad who is critical of you

-your mother who hasn’t come to the Lord but make your life difficult


-your boss

-your coworkers

-your salary

-your hours

-your orders to be more tolerant


-your finances

-your struggle with your identity in this big world

-your lack of a real friend

-your feeling you aren’t where you need to be


-safety of your family

-who do you count on

-the morality of the world you are living in

Kids in School


-Discrediting of historical figures.

-Education of tolerance

-Danger caused by those hot heads that aren’t tolerant at all.


-worship style


Scared people fall into one of three camps

Camp 1- Porcupine

-will try to run

-will ball up (try to ignore it)

-will then try to look impressive by flaring up quills

- will at last attempt smack and then run off

Camp 2- Swarm of Bees

-will chase until they catch you

-will sting until they are content

-will try to make you a nest

Camp 3- Bear Cubs with Their Mother

-will run to its mother and hide behind her

-will not attack you but beware of mamma

-mamma will fight in the cubs place

-mamma bear is extremely protective


I am aware of the trials you face but I am even more aware of the peace offered by God.

You will not be separated from God’s love.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:37-39

-People are often like Children who feel their parents will be ashamed of

because of the normal life issues they face.

-Illus. John blacked my eye

-Illus. Kids who wet the bed

-People often think God won’t love them because of the things they have done.

-Illus. Kids feel at fault for divorce

-Illus. Rudy and after man slaughter

You are not some strange being because you deal with life.

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

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