Are You A Workman Or A Watcher?
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Descriptions of being a workman for the Lord as found in 2 Tim 2:14-26.
Last Wednesday night we talked about several ways to witness and talk to others, and this morning is a continuation of that message in how our witness translates to the work of the ministry.
I have found some sayings from various places around the web that seem to apply to almost any situation, but I have tried to personalize them a bit.
It has been said that Christians today are some of the most active, loving, caring, and generous people in their community.
It has been said that Christians bring unto themselves rewards for the work they do in this life in the Kingdom of God.
It has been said that Christians often act as if they are “holy than thou” to their friends and companions, especially other Christians.
It has been said that Christians think they are too busy to be more involved in soul winning and being about Church Business.
It has been said that all Christians should be totally committed to church ministries – to reaching the lost in our community.
It has been said that in church ministries 20% of the people accomplish 80% of the work.
So, let me ask you, do any of these apply to your thinking or where you are in your walk with the Lord?
If you have your bibles this morning, turn them to 2nd Timothy, Chapter 2, we will look at several verses beginning in Verse 14 through Verse 26
Read Passage
In the beginning I gave examples of “others” thinking and common sayings or opinions – have you ever thought of where you fit in the picture of being a Workman for the Lord? Today we are going to look at what God’s Word says about being involved in the Lord’s business, and what are actions should be as we are called to do His work!
What is a Workman?
2 Tim 2:15 I think best describes what a workman is … in God’s eyes and as it relates to Kingdom business. It says to “present yourselves to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of Truth.”
When it refers to being not ashamed, I feel it speaking to me to not be ashamed to get involved, to be proud to give of your self. To sacrifice some of our own personal time and be involved in Ministry Concerns.
Some people believe the old saying of “Well, I tithe, isn’t that enough?” Tithing is in obedience to God’s Word about giving 10% of your first-fruits … but there is more to be done!
You might ask and I know I ask this all the time, “How do I find the time? I have none to spare!”
In my own life when I allow God to be first, He makes time for me to accomplish everything else that is asked of me. True, honoring and having time for my family is important to me, but God himself allows me to do that by bringing honor to them by doing His work, and He rewards me with more quality time for them!
Remember that we are to “be about the Father’s Business?”
If you look at the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), it shows us that going out and winning the lost, or making disciples or all men, IS the Father’s Business!
Now, Matthew 25:13 tells us to “keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” that the Lord will return. So we need to be busy with His work that He has laid out for us to do!
By keeping watch, we should not be sitting idly by and waiting for His return, but be busy with His work so He can be pleased to see His servants accomplishing what He started when He left!
Let me remind you of the “Parable of the Talents. (Matt 25:14-30)”
Remember the one servant who did nothing with what the master gave him? What did the master do? He took the talent away from him … as will the Lord if we do not use the talents He has given us!
Well, that is what a workman is … so how can you be a workman?
How Can I be an Approved Workman?
2 Tim 2:22-26 describes for us the tasks to apply to our lives.
To paraphrase the section it tells us to:
- Flee the evil desires of youth
- Pursue Righteousness
- Pursue Faith, Love, and Peace
- Avoid stupid and foolish arguments (Gossip is usually the root)
- A Lord’s servant must not quarrel
- A Lord’s servant must be kind to everyone
- A Lord’s servant must be able to teach, and not resentful (because someone may be different)
- Be able to gently instruct, (which means to use tact), for God to grant repentance (by showing where we may be in error)